Holiday Greetings from Dr. Christian & the Staff
of Inside Outside!
It's December, Time to celebrate and to make
those New Years Resolutions. Stop putting it off folks, you know what
you need to do. Let us write your Health and Beauty Prescription!
Dr. Christian's Update on the 6 Components of Optimal Health |

This month's article and for the next
several months will deal with my journey to understanding the
distinctions between "Recreation and Exercise" as Ken Hutchins, the
Founder of SuperSlow has so eloquently penned... There will be
some personal history, early years, to my present thoughts about
this thing called "Exercise".
Vitamin "X", Exercise, not too
much, not too little.....Read
Marketing Update -
Health Fairs, Radio and Seminars!! |

Inside Outside Wellness Center and Medical Span has participated in at
least 30 health fairs so far in 2004. Many of these were hosted by
Kaiser Medical Management, operated by Lenore Kaiser. Her company
arranges health fairs and speakers for Businesses all over San Antonio.
Nancy Flater is shown in the picture with Lenore at a recent health fair
where we featured our Medical Spa Services. Visit the
Kaiser Medical Management LLC website
See More Health Fair Pictures

Dr. Christian's Interview with Karen Clauss recorded on 4 Oct
was broadcast beginning on 28 Nov on Magic 105 at 0730.
The 30min interview focused on the importance of
combining a Reduced Calorie diet like the Zone and Concurrent Strength
Training like SuperSlow®
Check out Karen's
Custom Cake Design Service.
Karen Clauss
Bio Link

Dr. Christian spoke to the Bexar Kiwanis Club on 14 December
2004 at their monthly meeting at Gini's Restaurant on San Pedro.
His Topic was "The 6 Components of Optimal Health and Aging"
with emphasis on combining Zone Nutrition and SuperSlow ®
Strength Training.

Check out "Working Out Part III" by Bert Gallagher, Editor of City Pages
The December Edition of
the City Pages Magazine featured the third of several first person
articles written by Bert Gallagher, the editor of the magazine and his
Creative Director Doug Jacobson. Their December article is on their web site
SuperSlow® Techniques Corner
MedX Core Lumbar Strength |

Amanda Antonini, SuperSlow®
Instructor, gives
advice about the MedX Core Lumbar Strength Machine.
(Dan Young)
tries out his new sleigh!! On Charlie, on Amanda, on Rosa, on Dawn, on
Nancy!! Lets get this thing in
the air!
This Month's SuperSlow®
Star Clarice Martinez |
6 Months and 60lbs Lighter....Bradley is very proud and so are we!!
Read her story
Save $50 on Microdermabrasion |
We always offer $50 off your first
Microdermabrasion. Make an appointment to have your free Facial analysis with a UV
Color Camera and then treat yourself to a Microdermabrasion. |