Greetings from Dr. Christian & the Staff
of Inside Outside!
It's June and it's "HOT"
Outside but be Steve McQueen "COOL"
at Inside Outside! Join Le Chasseur and his adventure NOW and make this the best summer of your life!
Dr. Christian & a great example of a "High Protein
Day in the Zone" |

We have noticed over the years that many
of our members have difficulty selecting low fat protein sources for
their Zone snacks and meals. Dr. Christian recently created a nice
flyer of a great High Protein Day in the Zone. Check out the
selections that helped
Le Chasseur lose 10lbs in 7 weeks. You can do it!
Vitamins, these are vital,
New Series Part 2 Vitamin A |

Vitamine was the term coined by Casimir Funk, a Polish Biochemist, (1884-1967) for the
unidentified substances present in food which could prevent the diseases
scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra. This is the pioneer work in the study of
vitamins in which Funk reviews his research work and postulates his
theory of the existence of vitamines, essential factors in the diet.
This month we begin our series on the Vitamins.
Part 2 Vitamin A does not mean "Alcohol"
Click on Mr. Vitamin to learn about Vitamin A!...
Check out some of the "unofficial" Zone Diet Sites! |
my early days of learning about the Zone, I went to a certification course
in San Francisco. There were about 100 attendees and only about 10 of
them were actual health professionals. The remainder were lay people
who had become Zone advocates and wanted to learn more to teach their family
and friends. Many of these have established their own Zone sites to
help spread the word. Check out these sites!
Australian Zone Site

Enter the Zone is one of those sites where you can learn much about the Zone
and how to apply it. The more you know about good food choices the
faster you will reach your goals.
"Enter The Zone Diet"
Check out the Zone at Wikepedia
"Zone Diet at WikipediA"
Amanda Antonini, former Staff Member, Looking good at the Texas Shredder! |

Amanda Antonini,
former Inside Outside Staff Member and SuperSlow®
Instructor has recently won several awards at the "2006 Texas Shredder
Classic". She worked incredibly hard for this, her first competition,
and has set a great example of what can be accomplished with very strict and
demanding diet and exercise strategies. She has written a short
article about her adventure and the journey to get there...
Amanda, looking goood........
Diamond Microdermabrasion, No More Annoying Crystals. |
Inside Outside is now offering Diamond Microdermabrasion
as an
alternative to the Aluminum Oxide Crystal Microdermabrasion many of you
are accustomed to. The Diamond Microdermabrasion is a cleaner
technique and produces a very smooth Polished skin surface which is
cleaned of dead skin and debris. We will follow each Diamond
Microdermabrasion with the "Javani Procedure" discussed in the next
section. For those of you who have tried the Diamond Microdermabrasion, you know how good your skin feels and without the
"Wind burned" and "Stinging" feeling associated with the Crystal Method.
More Information about Diamond Microdermabrasion...
The Javani Procedure, Let's get wet!! |
The key to
healthy skin and for that matter the rest of our body is adequate
hydration. Our skin is 70% water and drinking enough water helps
our skin, but the sun and the aging process degrade the collagen in our
skin as we age. Collagen and another molecule, hyaluronic acid,
are the sponges that hold water in our skin. We now have a
technique to markedly increase the hydration in your skin with the use
of the Javani Collagen Gel and using the SmartSound electrical
stimulation to open the pores and Ultrasound to force the collagen into
the epidermis which pulls moisture into the dermis. The result is
softer and fuller skin which is
healthier and
more radiant. We will be using the
"Javani Procedure" in association with all of our other procedures which
tend to dehydrate the skin such as Microdermabrasion, Intense
Pulsed Light and Glycolic Peels.
Visit the "Javani
Marketing: Silent Auction and KLRN Blazing Gavels coming soon! |

Inside Outside donated a 16 Session SuperSlow Zone program and a Diamond
Microdermabrasion package for the Transplants for Children 7th Annual Summer
Concert Event Fund Raiser held on 1 Jun 06 at the Pearl Stables. Several of
our SuperSlow members, Tom Yantis and Terry Black are longtime supporters of
this organization. Transplants for Children is the only agency of its
kind in San Antonio and is dedicated to assisting young organ and tissue
transplant recipients and their families in effectively coping with the
emotional, financial and social challenges which arise before, during and
after transplantation. Bonni Lundy another Inside Outside Client is
the Executive Director.
Transplants for Children Web Site.

Inside Outside
will once again support the PBS Television Station, KLRN, by donating a
Session SuperSlow/Zone Program, A Non Invasive Extreme Makeover
Program and a Diamond Microdermabrasion Package. The Auction will
air 8-14 Jun 2006 and Dr. Christian and the Inside Outside staff will
serve as volunteers on several nights to answer phone calls and promote
the items they have donated.
Visit the
KLRN Site.
KLRN Blazing Gavels Site
Product of the
Zeno, For Resolution of those Pesky Pimples in
Coming Soon!
Place your
Order Now!
Learn More about Zeno
This Month's SuperSlow® Star
Lari McCauley R.N.
Lari is one of a number of Nurses who are
living the Inside Outside Lifestyle. She is
really strong!!
Read her story