Greetings from Dr. Christian & the Staff
of Inside Outside!
It's February, Heart Month. Much of what
we do is aimed at preventing this common cause of death in men and women,
and remember.
"To a young heart everything is fun" Charles Dickens
Live Longer, Get Younger with us....More Heart Quotes
Dr. Christian announces the NEW "Mini Non-Invasive
Extreme Makeover! |

The addition of Pixel Skin Resurfacing
and Infrared Skin tightening combined with Intense Pulsed light and
Diamond Microdermabrasions now allow us to design what I will call our
"Mini Non Invasive Extreme Makeover". This combination of
procedures performed over a 6-8 week period will provide
improvement in all areas which are of most concern to our clients
including unwanted Pigmentation (browns and reds), Skin Texture and
Tone, Fine Wrinkles and some Sagging. Two additional series of our "Mini
Non-Invasive Extreme Makeover will now be considered equal to our
present "Non Invasive Extreme Makeover." This new arrangement
works out for everyone as we will have the benefit of seeing the end
result of a Single "Mini" at a very reasonable price and then a decision
can be made regarding purchase of a second or third "Mini".
Follow the link to review the details and special introductory pricing of this "Mini"
Call if you would like to schedule a consultation to learn more or to
discuss any special concerns which may alter the package. Our Next 2
"Pixel" treatment days are 7 Feb and 7 Mar 07. We will have
another "Pixel' Live Demonstration on 6 Mar 07 at 7PM, so put this on
your schedule.
NEW "Mini Non-Invasive Extreme Makeover",
Details & Special Introductory Price good for the first 30 clients
purchase the "Mini" Package!
Vitamins, these are vital,
New Series Part 5 , The B Vitamins, Vitamin B2 |

Vitamine was the term coined by Casimir Funk, a Polish Biochemist, (1884-1967) for the
unidentified substances present in food which could prevent the diseases
scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra. This is the pioneer work in the study of
vitamins in which Funk reviews his research work and postulates his
theory of the existence of vitamines, essential factors in the diet.
We continue our series on the Vitamins.
Part 5 The B Vitamins, Vitamin B2
Click on Mr. Vitamin to learn about the B Vitamins
Recent Analysis of the Curves Program by a
Physical Therapist |
A recent analysis of the Curves fitness
program was posted on the internet by Physical Therapist and Fitness
Coach Kyle Battis of Concord, New Hampshire. On the surface SuperSlow
and Curves seem similar in that they recommend in general only short 30min
workouts on a circuit of machines and emphasize resistance training.
This author helps us understand the benefits and ultimately some of the
fundamental problems with their approach.
An Analysis
of the Curves Program.
Diamond Microdermabrasion, No More Annoying Crystals. |
Inside Outside is now offering Diamond Microdermabrasion
as an
alternative to the Aluminum Oxide Crystal Microdermabrasion many of you
are accustomed to. The Diamond Microdermabrasion is a cleaner
technique and produces a very smooth Polished skin surface which is
cleaned of dead skin and debris. We will follow each Diamond
Microdermabrasion with the "Javani Procedure" discussed in the next
section. For those of you who have tried the Diamond Microdermabrasion, you know how good your skin feels and without the
"Wind burned" and "Stinging" feeling associated with the Crystal Method.
More Information about Diamond Microdermabrasion...
The Javani Procedure, Let's get wet!! |
The key to
healthy skin and for that matter the rest of our body is adequate
hydration. Our skin is 70% water and drinking enough water helps
our skin, but the sun and the aging process degrade the collagen in our
skin as we age. Collagen and another molecule, hyaluronic acid,
are the sponges that hold water in our skin. We now have a
technique to markedly increase the hydration in your skin with the use
of the Javani Collagen Gel and using the SmartSound electrical
stimulation to open the pores and Ultrasound to force the collagen into
the epidermis which pulls moisture into the dermis. The result is
softer and fuller skin which is
healthier and
more radiant. We will be using the
"Javani Procedure" in association with all of our other procedures which
tend to dehydrate the skin such as Microdermabrasion, Intense
Pulsed Light and Glycolic Peels.
Visit the "Javani
Marketing: San Antonio Sports Foundation Silent Auction & Gala +
Seminar |

Outside will sponsor several items at the Silent Auction of the San
Antonio Sports Foundation Hall of Fame Tribute to be held on Friday,
16 Feb 07 at the Alamodome. Ty Detmer, Shirley Gurlong, Darryl
Grant, Buddy Meyer and Willie Mitchell will be
inducted into the Hall of Fame. Susan
Blackwood, Executive Director of the Foundation, Liz Fritz, Co Chair
of the Silent Auction and Ralph Bender, founder of the San Antonio
Sports Foundation are all devoted Inside Outside Clients! Hall
of Fame Information
Antonio Sports Foundation

Dr. Christian will be the Guest Speaker at the Lunch Bunch
group of the Del Webb Hill Country Resort on 20 Feb 07 at Bracket Village.
Dell Webb Hill Country Retreat is a premier active adult community for
adults 55 and older. His topic for this ladies group will be
"Update on Non-invasive Skin Rejuvenation, What's Hot!"
out Del Webb Hill Country Resort
"Though no one can go back
and make a brand new start,
anyone can start
now and make a
brand new ending!"
Carl Bard
Bring a Valentine Bauble for the SuperSlow Gym!
Decorate the Office!
SkinCeutical Sample for a Bauble!
This Month's SuperSlow® Star
John Glover
John struggled to find a workout routine that gave results and he could
work into his busy lifestyle.
Read his story