Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa

from Dr. Christian & the Staff of Inside Outside
School has started. Now let's think about "A Whole New You" ,
get ready for the holidays and all those admiring looks at those parties!
in this issue |
This Month's Inside Outside
Star: Andy Patterson,
setting the example!!!
From Dr. Christian announces , The Dermaroller,
New Tool for Skin Rejuventation!
Time Magazine, "The Exercise Myth",
we've preached it from the beginning....
The Zeo, Great New
Tool for Improving Your Sleep!
Ten Challenges facing Baby Boomers,
Guess what is first?
From the Orthopedic Surgeons, More about the "Boomeritis"
"The Vegetarian Myth", Highly Recommended Book!
Check out the Original Dr. Christian!! Nostalgia
for the Good Old Days!!
New Product Line! NeoCutis Fetal Growth Factors for skin,
now that's Young!
Member Spotlight: Lora Watts Retires after 30 years at ATT!
Marketing Highlights: KONO 101, KLRN Blazing Gavels
Auction, Harleys for Kids! |
From Dr. Christian announces, The Dermaroller, New Tool for Skin
Reujuvenation!! |

Inside Outside will soon
be offering Dermaroller Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation.
Dermaroller treatments
have been used in Europe for about 8 years for a variety of
age and sun related skin conditions and also acne scarring.
The treatment may be just as effective as more expensive and
painful fractional laser resurfacing treatments such as the
Pixel and the Fraxel with virtually no downtime. There is a
home version of the Dermaroller which markedly improves
absorption of products and a medical treatment version which
is more aggressive, done by me and is aimed at Collagen
Induction for skin rejuvenation. We
will be using the NeoCutis Processed Cell Proteins discussed
in this newsletter as part of our protocol.
Check out the
Dermaroller! |
Time Magazine, "The Myth of Exercise", we've
preached this from the beginning! |
It would be worthwhile
to take the time to read the lead article in the 17 Aug 09 edition of
Time Magazine. The author makes a lot of good points about the
fact that the "Aerobics" fad promoted by many as a weight loss strategy
is pretty much useless. But what he really should be talking about
is that "Strength Training", by maintaining and sometimes increasing
muscle mass is the best strategy to utilize when you want to lose weight
(read lose fat, maintain or increase muscle). Small decreases in
muscle mass which occur on a yearly basis, unless we do something to
prevent it (read Strength Training) will set us up to get fat. Sarcopenic Obesity, obesity related to the gradual loss of muscle mass
and its metabolically functioning components is what it is called and it
is what we are trying to prevent. See the link to NEAT, Non
Exercise Activity Thermogenesis which may be more important than
exercise over the long term to prevent fat gain in the first place!!
The Myth about Exercise..
Article of the Month
Age Related Decline in Metabolic Rate!
NEAT in the August 2008 Newsletter |
Zeo, Great New Tool for Improving your Sleep! |

Every day you hear more and more about the importance of adequate sleep
for your health and well being. Inadequate or disrupted sleep is
related to many health problems including obesity, glucose intolerance,
hypertension and poor mental function/productivity in our waking hours.
I have been using the Zeo device for several months now and have a
greater appreciation of my sleep profile, deep sleep, REM Sleep,
awakenings etc and things I can do to improve my sleep.
Check out the Zeo
Challenges facing Baby Boomers, Guess what is first? |


"According to researchers and clinicians in the Division of Geriatric and
Palliative Medicine at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston,
here is a snapshot of 10 of the challenges that may be staring back at baby
boomers! Guess what the first is?
1. Functional
decline: According to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, the body loses 1 percent of muscle
mass a year beginning at age 45, which can
result in sarcopenia as skeletal muscle is
eventually replaced with fat and the body
becomes weaker. Some research has linked protein
deficiency with sarcopenia." Sarcopenia is
followed by Depression, Diseases, Polypharmacy,
Falls, Abuse and Neglect, Financial
Exploitation, Dementia, Caregiver Burnout and
finally Death and Dying.
out 10 Most Common Medical Challenges of Baby Boomers...
Laurie Keith "The
Vegetarian Myth" Highly Recommended Book! |

In her book,
"The Vegetarian Myth" Lierre Keith, a Vegan for 20 years, discusses the
difference between the "nature of nature and the nature of agriculture".
The "nature of agriculture" has been the driving force behind the
development of a population of humans on earth which far exceeds its
carrying capacity (Ecological Footprint). We are in a period of downdraw of
non-renewable resources which is by definition not sustainable. At the same
she explains how the delicate balance between animal predators/prey and
plants/microbials which defines the "nature of nature" has been destroyed.
In this sense agriculture and the factory farming (confined animals fed
grain made available by agriculture) could be a greater threat to our planet
than pollution by enabling overpopulation. Fascinating book to dispel
the "misinformation" about the virtues of agriculture as it is now
practiced. See the YouTube Video of the Month for an introduction to
the book.
Vegetarian Myth" at Amazon.com.
Check out the Original Dr. Christian, Jean Hersholt,
Nostalgia Moments... |

Someone reminded me recently of the Original
Dr. Christian, Jean Hersholt, who had a
radio show from 1937-1953, one of the first of the family doctor series.
There were also 6 B/W movies made in the 40's by Jean Hersholt and then
there was a syndicated Dr. Christian TV Show staring MacDonald Carey
1956-1958. Dr.
Radio and TV shows were popular back then as now.
I remember watching the Dr. Christian TV show on our first B/W
television growing up in Alabama. I'm sure the idea of being
a Doctor was planted in me at that time and I always enjoyed the other
Dr. Series' such as Marcus Welby M.D, Dr. Kildare, MASH and Ben Casey. It all continues today with shows such as ER, Bones and House.
Check out the story line for "Dr. Christian Meets the Women" by clicking
on the cover, even back in 1940 we were dieting!!
"Dr. Christian Meets the Women" Storyline
From Vintage Radio Logs, Order Dr. Christian
Radio Show Episodes.
Products now available, Fetal Growth Factors, talk about young!! |

"NeoCutis gives a new meaning to "New Skin". This Swiss based research
company working with the University Hospital of Lausanne has developed a
line of products which contain what they refer to as PSP or Processed Cell
Proteins. They took a sample of fetal skin and cultured it. The
result was a complex of 18 different fetal growth factors, antioxidants and
cytokines which are abundant in fetal tissues and are associated with skin
development, repair and renewal. These proteins were used to help heal
deep burns and other poorly healing wounds without skin grafts!! Now
these same proteins are available in a fine line of products which will
complement any skin care program of rejuvenation. We plan to use these
products with the Dermaroller discussed in the first article of this
More at Neocutis.com
Member Spotlight: Lora Watts retires after 30
years at ATT!!! |


salute long time Inside Outside Client Lora Watts on her retirement
after 30 years of service at ATT. She began her
career in 1979 and moved up to her final position as Senior Vice
President-Global Events. She was responsible for all national and
international AT&T customer and employee events, such as the AT&T Pebble
Beach National Pro-Am, the Olympic Games, The Masters, Tiger Jam & many

Her plans are to continue to live in San Antonio and
spend more time with her family and her grandson. Lora and her husband
Jim (Also Retired ATT and Inside Outside Client) will enjoy travel and
spending time with friends. A tireless community servant, she will
continue to serve on a number of Boards of Directors including,
Operation Hope, After School All Stars and Trinity University. We are
proud to have Lora with us and living the Inside Outside Way of Life!!
Read More ...Lora Watts Bio!
Marketing Update: Auctions: KONO 101 , KLRN Blazing Saddles,
Kaiser Newsletter |

Inside Outside
is featured in the Inside Healthcare section of KONO 1011.com website. The
website crew came to Inside Outside and filmed a short video clip of Dr.
Christian talking about some of the services that are offered here.
KONO's 101.1 Inside Healthcare Feature

On June
7th, The staff of Inside Outside along with member Jody
and her husband
volunteered at the auction.
Besides donating
a Diamond
Microdermabrasion, VIPeel treatment and a 16 session Strength Training/Zone
Nutrition Program the team
took calls from bidders and ran tickets to the various bidding boards.
Overall the night was great fun and we were glad to be able to help raise
funds to support klrn. Photo on the left with Sierra Lee, Jody Newman, Andy
Patterson, Dr. Christian and our UTSA Kinesiology Intern, Jessye Grigsby!

Kaiser, Director of Kaiser Medical Management, recently wrote an
editorial in their July newsletter after a visit to Inside Outside. She was
very impressed with the in-depth analysis of the DXA body composition scan and
the Zone Prescription we prepare for clients. She will be updating her
newsletter readers about the progress of her own strength
training with us. To get more information about Kaiser Medical
Management visit their website at:

Inside Outside will sponsor several items at the Silent Auction of the
Annual For the Love of Kids and Harleys Fund Raiser to be held on Tuesday,
15 Sep 09 at the Cowboys Dance Hall. The gala beneficiaries include
San Antonio Sports, Easter Seals, Ronald
McDonald House and St. Jude's Ranch for Children. For the Love of Kids
and Harleys was formed by 5 friends who share a common passion. This passion
is riding Harleys and raising money for children's charities. These friends
are Larry Walker with the San Antonio Express-News, John Peveto with
Brake-Check, John Miller with Bill Miller BBQ, Fully Clingman with H-E-B and
Hal Gottsacker with Alamo City Harley Davidson.
the Love of Kids and Harleys Site
This Month's
Inside Outside Star
Andy Patterson |
Andy, one of
our trainers has made great progress since he began working here!
Read His Story!
"Live With Intention" 2009 Calendar
Aug 2009


Certificates available for any and all of our Services or Products!