Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa

from Dr. Christian & the Staff of Inside Outside
It's May,
School is out soon! You have 4 months to get with it and get in shape!!
Don't waste the Summer! Spend it with us and reap the benefits of the Inside
Outside Way of Life!
Case You've been Wandering, Let Inside Outside "Show the Way!"
From Dr. Christian: Join us as a Fan on facebook!! |

Inside Outside has started a Fan Page on
facebook. It will be one way we can keep in touch and
spread the word about the Inside Outside Way of Life!!
We will be posting short notes about the really essential
things you need to be doing to take your health and
appearance to a new level!
We have developed a great weight loss program for both Men
and Women! Eat a Lot of Food, with lots of High
Quality Protein, Lose 1-2lbs per week and Don't Be Hungry.
We will be featuring this diet on our Facebook page soon so
check back often! Inside Outside, Showing the Way!!
Inside Outside Fan Page on facebook!!
Improve your Sleep, Just as Important as Strength Training and
Nutrition. |

most of you know, I have become more and more convinced of
the importance of a good
night's sleep and have been researching the topic
extensively over the past 8 months. Hi-Lo Strength
Training, A Low Glycemic Adequate High Quality Protein Diet
and A Good Night's Sleep are a Dynamite Combination!
Using the Zeo to measure my sleep brain
waves at night, the Phillips
Light to help me reset my daily clock and some improvement
in my sleep habits have made a big difference in how I feel.
There is a lot of good data now that lack of
adequate/quality sleep leads to increased mortality,
hypertension, glucose intolerance and messes up our hormones
so we crave more food and carbohydrates. I would
welcome any of you to call and let's discuss how you can
improve your sleep habits!
Sleep Foundation
National Geographic "The Secrets of
Check out the Zeo,
Not Currently Available
Phillips Blue Light Site!! |
Christian's new Presentation on Basic and Specialty Skin Care
Products! |
Does all the Confusion and Choices about Skin Care Make you Want to
Check out
Dr. Christian's New Presentation about Basic and Specialty Skin Care
Products! Einstein wrote "Everything should be made simple, but
not simpler!" Whatever that means, Dr. Christian is good at it and
this PowerPoint Presentation in a .pdf format will walk you through what you need to know
about skin care products. If you would like a Complementary
Consultation with Dr. Christian to discuss your skin care concerns and
routine please contact us. Combine the Consultation with
Dr. Christian's Signature Diamond
Microdermabrasion for only $50 through July!! Great procedure for
jump starting your skin care program!! In case 'You've Been Wandering"
Let Inside Outside Show the Way! Painting by Edward
Munch "The Scream"
Basics and Specialty Products .pdf
Bad Habits can age you by 12 Years!! |

From msnbc: Four common bad habits combined —
smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet
— can age you by 12 years, sobering new research
suggests. The
findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000
British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet
another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors.
Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent.
Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the
four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent. The
risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more
than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more
than two daily for women; getting less than two
hours of physical activity per week; and eating
fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
msnbc Article!!
See Article of Month!
Cassandra Fuentes, our UTSA Kinesiology Intern for the Summer! |

Day, a Day to Remember fallen Comrades |

"The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with
flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense
of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in
almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this
observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in
their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as
circumstances may permit." Read the complete text of the original order at:
General Orders No.11, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1868
Sheer Physical, SPF 50 Sun Block for Sensitive Skin, No Chemicals! |


SkinCeuticals has created a new Sun Protection Product which is a SPF 50 and
contains only Zinc and Titanium, No Chemicals. It has a transparent
finish, is non comedogenic and is ideal for all skin types, even the most
sensitive skin. We will be using this product at the end of each of
our Diamond Microdermabrasions in addition to the Phloretin CF Antioxidant
More at
Member Spotlight:
Michele West, Four Sisters Catering, Owner and Executive Chef! |


West, owner and executive chef, has been in the catering business for 18 years. Michele is famous for her home cooked meals and her creation of all
the recipes for Four Sisters Catering. Michele personally hand picks all of
the produce and menu items to provide the freshest foods for your occasions.
She has been a chef for Mardi Gras Café as well as French Quarter Grill,
which provides her with an enormous array of delectable dishes and treats.
Her precise detail to cooking puts Four Sisters Catering over the top in
gourmet foods.
Michele West is one serious executive chef! If you have been to
Houston, you know about Jamail Family Market. Michele was their
executive chef for 7 years prior to coming to San Antonio. She has
recently been selected as the Exclusive Caterer for 2900 Estates Venue, a
beautiful destination for events such as weddings and parties. There
is an Open House at 2900 Nacogdoches on 17 Jun 10 and all Inside Outside Clients are invited to
see this new venue. RSVP at 210.824.2931!
Four Sisters Catering Inc, Web Site.
Marketing Update: Silent Auctions, Winston School, Rotary Club &
More Seminars! |
Outside donated items for the Winston School of San Antonio 25th
Annual Auction Gala.
The Annual
Auction is the school's major fundraising event; proceeds are used for
classroom enrichment and school programs, including financial aid to
deserving students. Approximately 27% of Winston students currently receive
financial aid.
This magical
evening held at the Don Strange Ranch in Welfare, Texas featured live and
silent auctions. Each year the Winston Auction Committee members volunteer
to procure items, trips, hunts and parties creating one of the finest
auctions in the Lone Star State.
Winston School San Antonio Website
Outside sponsored several items at the Silent Auction of the
Stone Oak Rotary Club Annual Fund Raiser, their 4th Annual Casino Royale
Night. Items were donated in memory of Bill Thorsby, Inside
Outside Client and Rotary Member who passed in Feb 2009.
Oak Rotary
Christian spoke to the Staff and Clients of The St. John Outlet on Broadway
Avenue on Thursday 6 May 2010. His Topics included "Basic and
Specialty Skin Care Products" and "The 6 Components of Optimal Health and
Aging". The Open House event was catered by Michele West owner and
executive Chef of Four Sisters Catering. Michele's Cousin, Gloria
Daniel is the Owner of the Outlet. Dr. Christian has been invited to
speak at another Open House on 24 Jun 1010! The Outlet offers St. John
Knits at Outlet Prices! These knits are truly classic works of art!!
St John Outlet at 7959 Broadway, 210-829-5366!
John on the Internet
Texas Club of Cardiologists Annual Meeting
Christian spoke at Annual Meeting of the Texas Club of Cardiologists held on
10 April 2010 at the Hotel Contessa. He was invited by Dr. Eric
Stocker, Local Cardiologist and Inside Outside Client. His topic was
"Sarcopenia, Causes, Consequences and Cures." The meeting was attended
by about 40 of the states most prominent Cardiologists.
We can
a Gift Certificate for any of our Services or Products!
How about a
Pro Skin Care System
for a
Wedding Gift!!!
This Month's
Inside Outside Star
Stacy Beach |
Bride to Be Stacy is a great example of how to focus and
get it done! In Two Short Months!
Read Her Story!
Join Us On

The Home Dermaroller

We have had a number of clients
start using the Home Dermaroller to improve absorption of
their specialty skin products with great results!! The
Home Dermaroller, used once a week will improve
absorption of your specialty products by 200 times!!
If you have not had your
complementary consultation regarding this simple but very
effective device please call Now!!
Check out the
Dermaroller Website!
Only $50.00
Through July!!
Certificates available for any and all of our Services or Products!