Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa

from Dr. Christian & the Staff of Inside Outside
season is upon us! Christmas soon and New Years around the Corner. Let's get serious about our
Nutrition, Exercise
and Skin care and make 2011 the best year yet!! At Inside Outside we
have "The Cure" for our Health and Fitness Crisis, never doubt it!!
The Inside Outside Way of Life, Live It in 2011 & Take it to a
New Level!
in this issue |
This Month's Inside Outside
Cory Hatfield,
Great Example of our Strategies!!
From Dr. Christian:
Inside Outside, "The Cure" for our Health and Fitness Crisis!!
The Health Triad: Diet, Exercise and you guessed it! Sleep!
Updated Dr. Christian's Presentation on Basic
& Specialty Skin Care
Dr. Christian Recertifies with Dr. Sears in Anti-Inflammatory
Nutrition, ie "The Zone"
Welcome Elydia Ybarbo, our UTSA Kinesiology Spring Intern!
Methodist Hospital Heart Transplant
Program Celebrates 25th Anniversary!
"The Why of Less", Dr. Ellington Darden
explains the philosophy of Arthur Jones.
as in Fat" 2010 Report, Not getting better and Texas Diabetes
Epidemic!! Yikes!!
Schodts Reed, CEO and Owner of Reed Candle Company.
Marketing Highlights: Silent Auctions, Gayla's Gala, For the Love of
Kids & Harleys!! |
From Dr. Christian:
Inside Outside, "The Cure"
for our Health and Fitness Crisis!! |

Make no mistake about it, the evidence that
our Health and Fitness Crisis is worsening is in our face
It's like our Fiscal Crisis and no one wants to face the
truth about "What's It Going To Take" to solve these
problems. Mention "Spend Less and Save More", forget
it, no body wants to talk about that. The same goes
true for "Eat Less and Exercise More", no one wants to hear
about that!!! We at Inside Outside have a slightly different
take on "The Cure" for our Health and Fitness Crisis!
What about "Eat More and Exercise Less"!!!! That's
exactly what we preach! There's no lack of food and
you are not hungry if you are eating the right kinds of food
and our High Intensity Low Velocity Exercise program is
based on the premise that "You always look for the least
amount of Exercise that produces the Desired Results".
If you are confused about any of this please sit down with
Dr. Christian and have him show you "What It's Going To
Take" to Get Stronger, Lose Fat, Maintain/Tone your Muscle
and maybe even Gain Muscle. Could the cure to our
Health and Fitness Crises really be "Eat More and Exercise
Less??" At Inside Outside we say!!! You betcha!!
The Inside Outside Way of Life, Showing the way! Say Grrrrr....
The Health Triad: Diet, Exercise and Sleep!!! |

the National Sleep Foundation "For years your doctor, your mom and your
friend who goes to the gym multiple times a week have probably been
telling you to eat better and exercise more. It’s all you hear on
television, in the newspapers and on talk radio. New doctors and
dieticians usher in new diets, new fads, and so you’ve made some
lifestyle changes – cutting back on your fat and sweets intake, and
doing some cardiovascular exercise a few days a week. Despite all this,
you still feel burned out, can’t drop those extra pounds, and don’t have
the energy to greet each day with enthusiasm. What are you missing?
The Third Piece of the Puzzle: Sleep!!!!"
Diet, Exercise and Sleep from the National
Sleep Foundation
most of you know, I have become more and more convinced of
the importance of a good
night's sleep and have been researching the topic
extensively over the past year. Hi-Lo Strength
Training, A Low Glycemic Adequate High Quality Protein Diet
and A Good Night's Sleep are a Dynamite Combination!
Using the Zeo to measure my sleep brain
waves at night, the Phillips
Light to help me reset my daily clock and some improvement
in my sleep habits have made a big difference in how I feel.
There is a lot of good data now that lack of
adequate/quality sleep leads to increased mortality,
hypertension, glucose intolerance and messes up our hormones
so we crave more food and carbohydrates. I would
welcome any of you to call and let's discuss how you can
improve your sleep habits! Some patients may benefit from one
of the Sleep Drugs such as Lunesta. See the article of the month about
Sleep and Inflammation!!
Site | Lunesta® (eszopiclone)
Sleep Foundation
National Geographic "The Secrets of
Check out the Zeo
Phillips Blue Light Site!! |
Christian's Updated Presentation on Basic and Specialty Skin Care
Products! |
Does all the Confusion and Choices about Skin Care Make you Want to
Check out
Dr. Christian's Updated Presentation includes a "What's it Going
to Take" about Basic and Specialty Skin Care
Products! Einstein wrote "Everything should be made simple, but
not simpler!" Whatever that means, Dr. Christian is good at it and
this PowerPoint Presentation in a .pdf format will walk you through what you need to know
about skin care products. If you would like a Complementary
Consultation with Dr. Christian to discuss your skin care concerns and
routine please contact us. Combine the Consultation with
Dr. Christian's Signature Diamond
Microdermabrasion for only $50. A Great procedure
and a great Christmas Gift for
jump starting your skin care program!! In case 'You've Been Wandering"
Let Inside Outside Show the Way! Painting by Edward
Munch "The Scream"
Basics and Specialty Products .pdf
Christian recertifies with Dr. Sears in Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition, ie
"The Zone" |


Dr. Christian met Dr. Barry Sears in 1997,
shortly after he had written his first book about
the Zone Diet. He quickly realized how
much sense the Zone Diet made and became a Certified
Zone Consultant soon afterwards. Dr. Christian
recently recertified with Dr. Sears and in the
teaching and use of the Zone Diet. The Zone
diet is ideal for weight loss and has the added
benefit, through the use of Omega 3 fat to reverse
the inflammation associated with most disease
processes and even obesity. We have modified
the Zone Diet ratios slightly to allow for more high
quality protein to support our High Intensity Low
Velocity Strength training and to help our clients
maintain/gain muscle as they lose their fat.
Anti-Inflamatory Medicine Monograph!!
Dr. Sears.com!
Methodist Hospitial
Heart Transplant Program Celebrates 25th Anniversary! |

This year we celebrated
the 25th Anniversary of the Methodist Hospital Texas
Transplant Institute Heart Transplant
Program. Dr. Christian has had the privilege to be part of the team since
the beginning, serving as the Primary Heart Procurement Surgeon and
Assisting with the Transplant Surgery. The team has performed over 340
Transplants since the beginning and Dr. Christian has been involved with
nearly all of these and he
is a Physician Member of the International Society of Heart and Lung
Transplantation. This year alone we have done 25 Transplants, a
Record for our program. The beautiful sunrise picture was
taken from the window of our Lear Jet as we were returning from an all night
harvest run.
More Information at the Donate Life Texas Website. |
"The Why of Less", Dr. Ellington Darden explains
the philosophy of Arthur Jones. |


I have always admired the
writings and teachings of Dr. Ellington Darden, truly one of the gurus of
High Intensity Strength Training. I met him in 2003 at a High Intensity
Strength Training Conference where we were both speakers. He spoke about
Diet Strategies as I remember and I spoke about Omega 3 Fats. In this
short article from his website he explains the teachings of Arthur Jones
regarding the philosophy of "More is Not Better" when it comes to High
Intensity Strength Training. This is the basis of our High Intensity
Low Velocity strategy and is worthwhile reading for all of us.
Why of Less", Ellington Darden Phd.
"F as in Fat" 2010 Report, Not getting Better and Texas Diabetes
Epidemic! |

Adult obesity rates increased in 28 states in the past year, and declined
only in the District of Columbia (D.C.), according to F as in Fat: How
Obesity Threatens America's Future 2010, a report from the
Trust for America's Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). More
than two-thirds of states (38) have adult obesity rates above 25 percent. In
1991, no state had an obesity rate above 20 percent. And the Texas Health
Institute released a report in early December projecting that our Diabetic
Population will quadruple from 2.2 Million to 8 Million by 2040. This
number does not include countless millions of overweight and obese who have
prediabetic conditions related to obesity and inactivity.
F as in Fat 2010 Report
Report, Diabetes in Texas reaches epidemic levels!
Member Spotlight:
Sister Schodts Reed, CEO and Owner of Reed Candle Company!! |


We salute Sister Schodts Reed, the CEO and Owner of Reed Candle Company
located at 1531 W. Poplar Street in San Antonio.
Reed Candle Company was started
in 1937 by Peter Doan Reed in his garage behind his home in San Antonio,
Texas. Reed Candle Company is the originator of the Religious
Prayer Candle and is the largest producer of Religious Prayer Candles in
the USA. They also make all types of candles
including jar filled, household, and private labeling for numerous
Marketing Update: Silent Auctions, Gayla's Gala, For the Love of Kids and
Harleys, More! |
Outside donated items for the Transplants for Children 4th
Annual Gayla's Gala. G ayla’s Gala, in its fourth year, is held in
memory of Gayla Lummus Leonard, a wonderful wife, mother and friend to so
many. Our hope is that this year’s event will continue to honor Gayla and
her contribution to Transplants for Children, while raising money for our
Transplants for Children, a non-profit agency,
assists young organ and tissue transplant recipients
and their families in effectively coping with the
emotional, financial and social challenges, which
arise before, during and after transplantation.
Funds generated by this event assists San Antonio
and South Texas children and their families in their
time of great need, while allowing sponsors to fund
our programs and services including the Family
Crisis Fund, our STARS program to encourage the
transplant child, Sibshop for the siblings & Parent Support Group.
for Children Website

Outside sponsored several items at the Silent Auction of the
Love of Kids an Harleys Annual Fund Raiser held in October.
For the Love of Kids and Harleys was formed by 5 friends who share a
common passion. This passion is riding Harleys and raising money for
children's charities. These friends are Larry Walker with the San
Antonio Express-News, John Peveto with Brake-Check, John Miller with
Bill Miller BBQ, Fully Clingman with H-E-B and Hal Gottsacker with
Gruene and Javelina Harley-Davidson..
The Love of Kids and Harleys

Inside Outside made a donation to Team Fit Kids in support of Susan
Blackwood, Executive Director of San Antonio Sports, and her effort to
combat childhood obesity, motivate kids and their families to get fit and
inspire a healthy community!
Fit Kids
We can
a Gift Certificate for any of our Services or Products!
How about a
Pro Skin Care System
for a
Christmas Gift!!!
Resident Artist Lina Forero (Future Broadway Star) and her Mom Lynette decorated the White
Board This Year!

This Month's
Inside Outside Star
Cory Hatfield |
How about
losing 14lbs of fat and gaining 17lbs of Muscle. One Killer Workout a
Week! Cory Did It!
Read His Story!
Join Us On

The Home Dermaroller

We have had a number of clients
start using the Home Dermaroller to improve absorption of
their specialty skin products with great results!! The
Home Dermaroller, used once a week will improve
absorption of your specialty products by 200 times!!
If you have not had your
complementary consultation regarding this simple but very
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Check out the
Dermaroller Website!
Only $50.00

was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well,
if any man alive possessed the
May that be truly said of us,
and all of us!
And so,
as Tiny Tim observed,
Bless Us, Every One!"
Charles Dickens
Certificates available for any and all of our Services or Products!