Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa!!

4499 Medical Drive #225

San Antonio, Texas 78229 

Call 210.616.0836

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"What If" Before and After Calculator

Click to Download/Save Excel Calculator

The Numerical Fields in RED are editable.

Enter your Data from the DXA Printout

or your other sources.

Then set some goals for yourself of

Losing/Gaining Lean or Fat Mass & you

Can see what it would take to get to a

new BodyFat%. Also Calculates Before/After Basal Metabolic Rate using

Katch-McArdle Equation.

Click on Image to Download/Save   Online Excel Calculator


Click on Image for Link to Meal/Snack


Body Fat, Lean Mass +

Visceral Fat Analysis!

San Antonio's Best & Most

Complete Analysis!

PlusYes! Visceral Adipose Tissue or VAT!  It's good to know!

Don't accidentally diet away muscle!

Our DXA Scanner distinguishes between lean mass, fat and bone - Stop Guessing! 

And you need to know about your Visceral Fat!


The Discovery A DXA Scanner. Best in San Antonio!

The Best DXA Room in the World!

Research Level Tool!


Dr. Charles Christian personally reviews

your results with you after your scan you receive a printed report that details down to the gram how much lean mass, fat and bone you have and Fat % in each arm, leg and trunk. You will also receive an email copy of the scan.


 and if you want will create a Zone/Paleo, LoCarb, Nutritional Ketosis or Bulking nutrition prescription

to help retain/gain muscle

while losing your fat!


This happens more than you think!!

Scans & Graphs Track Results over time.


Baseline Scan with Nutrition RX only $100

Bring a friend! Price drops to $90 each!

Baseline Scan Only $80

Follow-up Scans only $75


Perfect for BodyBuilders, CrossFitters, P-90's & Paleo Diet Challenges or if you just want to stop guessing!


Download Comprehensive Example Report

.pdf of how Serial DXA scanning & Zone/Paleo Nutrition helped a 21 y/o

 male through his 3 month cutting

phase for a contest!

21y/o Male cutting for a contest!

See the Yellow Go!



Call Now with Questions: 210.616.0836

Appointments Available Today!


Insurance not accepted.

Note: Scans can't be done if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.


The Discovery A DXA Scanner

DXA Body Composition Scanning is now the Gold Standard for most research studies.

Our DXA Body Composition Brochure!


YouTube Video of Our DXA Scanner at Work!

Time Required

The Scan takes about 3 minutes and gives off about the same radiation you would

get from 2 hours outside from the Sun and radon in the ground.  The Scan Analysis

 then takes about 10 Minutes. The Report shows your lean mass as red, fat as yellow and bone is blue!

And we can measure your Visceral Fat!! The dangerous " Toxic Fat" in your abdomen also known as Visceral Adipose Tissue or VAT which creates inflammation.


Call Now with Questions:


Appointments Available Today!


Nutritional Counseling Included

At the end of the scan, if you want, you

can  spend an additional 30 Min with

Dr. Christian and he will create for you a personalized Zone/Paleo, LoCarb, Nutritional Ketosis or Bulking Prescription which details exactly what nutritional strategies are needed to decrease body fat to a more desirable

level and maintain or gain muscle at the same time.

He will then show you a PowerPoint Presentation explaining the basics of

Anti-Inflammatory Zone/Paleo/LoCarb or Nutritional Ketosis way of eating!

You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about your own specific medical issues which might affect fat loss and muscle gains, your previous
experience with "diets" and even exercise strategies which might be helpful.


Even if you think you understand the nutritional aspect, this consultation with Dr. Christian will serve to affirm your thinking about the most important "Drug" you will

 ever put in your mouth, "Food"!  Dr. Christian can help you with Zone/Paleo/LowCarb/ Nutritional Ketosis or Bulking Strategies.

Call Now with Questions: 210.616.0836

Appointments Available Today!


Mobile Contact Form


Additional DXA Information!

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4499 Medical Drive #225

San Antonio, Texas 78229




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