This is an Archived File for Historical Purposes. Disregard Information. Mask Available but Optional However, as long as CDC Community Transmission Levels are HIGH or SUBSTANTIAL Inside Outside will require All New Clients to review the COVID-19 Consent Form and the Questionnaire & Precautions Documents & undergo Screening on arrival. We will print these documents and have you sign them when you arrive for the appointment.
Also, Please review our Notice of Privacy Practices Page as required by HIPPA.
In San Antonio, as of 2 May 23, The CDC Community Risk Level in San Antonio is now LOW & STEADY On 2 Mar 23, Methodist Healthcare System decided to base their COVID Precautions on CDC Community Levels, rather than the CDC Community Transmission Levels in Bexar County which continues to be Inside Outside is located in a Medical Office Building owned by Methodist Healthcare. We are required to follow their precautions for COVID. Based on the Low and Steady CDC Community Levels, Methodist HealthCare System has made Masking OPTIONAL in their HealthCare Settings. A Surgical mask will be available to clients if they wish. Dr. Christian and Inside Outside Staff will continue to screen clients and to mask until the CDC Community Transmission Levels are at the Moderate Level. Updated 5 May 23
AMA Ethics Statement regarding refusing treatment to unvaccinated clients
Texas Department of Health & Human Services Protocol & Checklist for Gym & Exercise Facility Patrons For Reference, No Longer Required.
COVID-19 Portal for City of San Antonio Dashboards, Testing & Vaccination Information
Texas Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Information
CDC COVID-19 Site Comprehensive
Desktop Version of These Links, Also includes Intake and Consent Forms for Services.
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