Take it to the Next Level at Inside Outside!
Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa  

Fiesta and Taxes!!

Graduations and Mother's Day!

Someone's getting Married this month!!

July, a time to remember why our country is so special!



May 2015



 Greetings from Dr. Christian & the Staff of Inside Outside


Summer is a great time to take stock!  Let us help!It's May!  Graduations, Mother's Day, Memorial Day and then Summer Vacations start!  Let's make the Most of this Summer and focus on YOU by living "The Inside Outside Way of Life!" and take it to a New Level!


Picture It!  Believe It! Do It!



in this issue

  • Our Newest Inside Outside Star: Blanca De la Rosa, Showing the Way!
  • From Dr. Christian, A Questionnaire about behaviors which affect our eating.
  • Have you heard?  Cholesterol is not a Nutrient of Concern for Overconsumption!
  • If you care about our Earth and the effects of overpopulation, You should watch HBO VICE!
  • Inside Outside selected as DXA Body Composition Scanning Site for Phase III Cancer Study
  • Update on our Web Analytics by Revolver, 131 Countries! They love us around the World!!!
  • Dr. Des Fernandez, Pioneer of Skin Micro-Needling & Dermarolling speaks in San Antonio!!
  • Welcome to our Go Roadrunners!! Summer 2015 Kinesiology Interns, Kayla Hunt & Anissa Munson!
  • Memorial Day, Tribute to Fallen Comrades and Pvt. Treptow's Pledge.
  • Member Spotlight: Matt Shover, Rackspace Project Manager & Avid Endurance Athlete!
  • Community Relations:  Silent Auctions, Raffles, Walks and Runs!  22 Events so far 2015!!
  • From Dr. Christian: A Questionnaire about behaviors which affect our eating.

    165lbs of Rompin, Stompin, Airborne Romance in Jump Boots!     Let's talk about those eating behaviors.......

    Humans have a complicated relationship with food. In hunter gatherer times and throughout much of history, the main problem was availability and food was hard to find.  One of the curses of current life is the ready availability of food and methods of processing which make overeating more likely. In addition to easy access to food, there is no doubt that stress, lack of sleep and psychological factors play a major role in determining the amount and types of food we eat.  Three factors/dimensions of human eating behavior identified are in the domains of "Uncontrolled Eating", "Emotional Eating" and "Cognitive Restraint".  The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire was developed in 1985 to help us recognize some of the behaviors and psychological factors which affect our food intake.  Some behaviors would lead to overeating and some to more controlled eating.  Our Zone/Paleo approach helps to manage all three of these behaviors by controlling hunger, cravings, emotions (anxiety and depression) and teaching healthy/satisfying options which enable Cognitive Restraint.  Dr. Sears is fond of saying "How you feel and how you think at any moment depends more on what your last meal was like than anything else!"  So, if you are feeling good and emotionally you are not anxious/sad/depressed, maybe Uncontrolled and Emotional Eating will just go away.....and Cognitive Restraint will prevail!!

    3 Factor Eating Questionnaire

    Have you heard? Cholesterol is not a Nutrient of Concern for Overconsumption!

    We have come full turn from these recommendations, I appreciate everyone who looked critically at this advice and did the studies.


    Several of our newsletters last year had articles entitled "Have you Heard? FAT is BACK IN and SUGAR is OUT"  and "More on FAT is BACK" This year we have new guidelines on eating from the USDA and the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee which now have reversed over 30 years of advice to limit to 300mg the amount of Cholesterol we consume in our diets.  Accumulated data does not appear to confirm an association of dietary Cholesterol with blood levels of Cholesterol and health risks.  "There have been multiple analyses and meta-analyses now looking at intake of dietary cholesterol and the risk of heart disease,"  says Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. "In the general population, there's really not any strong evidence for a link."  and  "From my perspective, our dietary guidelines should be based on where we have strong evidence for good and where we have strong evidence for harm, and everything else should be kind of left out until we get strong evidence," says Mozaffarian. "Dietary cholesterol is not in a place, I think, where there’s strong evidence for harm."

    Time Magazine "Cholesterol is not a Nutrient of Concern"

    "Diets to prevent heart disease, what have we learned: 1953-2013" Am. Journal of Medicine

    "Have you Heard? FAT is BACK IN and SUGAR is OUT" Inside Outside Newsletter Apr 2014

    "More on FAT is BACK" Inside Outside Newsletter Aug 2014

     2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015

    If you care about our Earth & what the effects of overpopulation are on us,  Watch HBO Vice.

    These episodes will help you understand more about the human plight.  

    If you have not become a fan of this HBO series, then you are missing critical information about some of the most pressing issues and problems relating to the earth and the human race. In our August 2013 Newsletter we wrote about the work of Laurie Garrett, a Global Health Expert and her series "The Survival of Global Health"  The HBO Vice series is now in it's third season and many of the episodes deal with overpopulation and the seemingly insurmountable problems facing the human race.  The show covers a wide range of issues.  Some of the Season 3 Episodes have included "Our Rising Oceans", "Countdown to Extinction, Overfishing", "India's Water Crisis" (we have our own! see our Aug 2014 Newsletter about Water Resources), Savior Seeds, Genetically Modified GMO Crops" and the latest "Kidneyville, Black Market in Human Organs."  On April 22nd we celebrated our 45th Earth Day. VICE is helping all of us have a better understanding of our responsibility to care for our earth, our only home, the Pale Blue Dot.

    Vice HBO Home Page

    Earth Day 2015   The Pale Blue Dot

       "The Survival of Global Health" Inside Outside Aug 2013 Newsletter

      "Water, Let's understand how really scarce it is" Inside Outside Aug 2014 Newsletter

    Inside Outside selected as DXA Body Composition Scanning Site for Colon Cancer Study"!

    Providing Imaging for Medical Research!Xilonix for Metastatic Colon and Rectal Cancer.

    VirtualScopics which provides imaging solutions for Clinical Trials has approved Inside Outside as a DXA Body Composition Scanning Center for an upcoming trial sponsored by Biotech Company XBiotech.  XBiotech's drug, Xilonix, is a true human monoclonal antibody for patients with metastatic colon and rectal cancer.  Xilonix contains an antibody (a protein that binds to a substance in the cancer). By binding to this substance, Xilonix may help to inhibit tumor growth and spread of the cancer by interrupting signals that drive formation of new blood vessels in the cancer. In addition, Xilonix may help to correct fatigue, muscle loss and anxiety caused from tumor related inflammation.  Patients enrolled in this study will receive a baseline DXA Body Composition Scan and one at the end of their treatment.  

    Xilonix Colon Cancer Immunotherapy Treatment Evaluation (XCITE) Study

    ColoRectal Cancer Information at the National Cancer Institute

    Update on our Web Analytic Reports, The Revolver Map!!  They love us around the world!

    131 Countries!  They love us around the world!!!

    Everyone is aware that Businesses & Organizations use Web Analytic Tracking Services to monitor their web site traffic for marketing purposes.  Inside Outside uses Google Analytics, Clicky and recently started using Revolver Maps for tracking services. The Top Ten Countries are United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Germany, Mexico, Philippines, Italy & Brazil!  We recently added #131 the country of Zambia in Africa!  The map shows hits over the past 35 months, monitored by Revolver Maps, 131 Countries & over 33,116 Visits. Popular pages for international visitors are the DXA Body Composition, DXA Bone Density & our Dark Side of the Sun page.   

    To Checkout our current Revolver Map, click on the 2D Version and Hover over the Red Dots to see Location, Requires Java!

    Dr. Des Ferrnandez, early Pioneer of Micro-Needling and Dermarolling speaks in San Antonio!

    Dr. Des Fernandez and Dr. Christian, two Thoracic Surgeons!

    Dr. Des Fernandez spoke at a seminar sponsored by Environ, a company which Dr. Fernandez founded and makes a premium line of skin care products.  Dr. Fernandez is from Cape Town, South Africa and trained initially as a Cardiac Surgeon, but then retrained as a Plastic Surgeon.  He was one of the early pioneers in the use of skin needling and Dermarollers and his seminal thinking has revolutionized the use of needling along with skin care products for skin rejuvenation.  Michelle Austin is our local Environ Sales Rep and the event was held at the Elevated Silo.  Dr. Christian attended with Billain Roldan, Inside Outside's Aesthetician.  Needling and Dermarolling has been getting a lot of good press lately in the media.  If you are not using the Home Dermaroller on a weekly basis, you are missing out on a very valuable tool.

    Inside Outside Rejuvapen Web Page

    Harper's Bazaar, "The New Skin Care Secret"

    Wall Street Journal Article on Micro Needling

    Dermaconcepts Distributor of Environ Products in USA Website

    We Welcome Kayla Hunt and Anissa Munson our Summer 2015 UTSA Kinesiology Interns!  

    We Welcome Annisa Munson for her Summer 2015 KInesiology Internship!We Welcome Kayla Hunt for her Summer 2015 KInesiology Internship! 

    Inside Outside welcomes Kayla Hunt and Anissa Munso as our UTSA Interns for Summer 2015. Kayla and Annisa are both Kinesiology Majors with Specialization in Exercise Science and will Graduate in August 2015. In addition, they are both scholar athletes!  Anissa is on the UTSA Soccer Team and Kayla on the Track Team!   We are excited to have Kayla and Anissa with us for the Summer and to share with them "The Inside Outside Way of Life!"


    UTSA Health and Kinesiology Department Website

    Our Current and Past UTSA Kinesiology Interns 


    Memorial Day, a Day to Remember Fallen Comrades

    The Ultimate Level of Commitment!

    "The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit." Read Pvt. Treptow's Pledge and check out the complete text of the original order issued in 1868 at

    Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic

    General Orders No.11, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1868

    Member Spotlight: Matt Shover, Rackspace Project Engineer and Avid Endurance Athlete!

    We Spotlight Matt Shover, avid endurance and strength enthusiast!

    We salute Matt Shover in our Member Spotlight this Month!  Matt, in his 8th year at Rackspace leads a project engineering team.  He graduated from California State University with a MBA in 2005.  He came for a DXA Body Scan in Jan 2014 and we discussed how Hi-Lo Strength training might help him in his endurance sports.  Matt runs and cycles frequently and completed a Half Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii.  Earlier this year, he finished a Ragnar Relay where he and 11 friends ran 200 miles from Miami to the Florida Keys. Matt loves the high intensity of the Hi-Lo workouts and always trains to failure using perfect form. He eats a Paleo diet and it helped him lose 30lbs in preparation for his Ironman event. His workout has become a weekly routine as well as for his Dad, who comes for a workout when he visits from Phoenix.  He credits Hi-Lo for increasing his muscularity and giving him a competitive edge for his endurance challenges.   We are proud to have Matt as a member of the Inside Outside Family. 

    Matt Shover at ZoomInfo

    Community Relations: Silent Auctions, Raffles, Walks and Runs, 22 Events so far in 2015!

    Since it's inception, an important mission at Inside Outside has been to makeAsk Us!  Inside Outside has helped many San Antonio non-profit organizations!

    a difference in our community.  The best way we have found to do this is to

    make contributions to Non-Profit organizations through silent auctions at their

    annual fund raising events, seminars, health fairs or direct donations.  We would

    consider it an honor for any request for items to be donated or for Dr. Christian to speak to Non-Profit and other organizations/businesses in San Antonio and surrounding cities. Check out our Community Service Page chronicling Inside Outside's Community Service efforts since 2004!

    Inside Outside Community Service, 22 Events this Year so Far!

    Silent Auctions and Raffles

    Over the past 4 months we have made donations for the following Silent Auctions, Raffles or Door Prizes

    organized by these fine Non-Profit Organizations!!

    Teen Challenge is a Faith based solution for the drug epidemic.Sierra Lee, Lora Watts (VP of Impact SA), Eli Ybarbo, Khaley Scott R.N. and Dr. Christian.See our Facebook album for more Pictures from the event. Inside Outside is a Business Friend of Impact SA!

    American Heart Association Heart of Gold Silent Auction Items.Inside Outside donated silent auction items forSt. Peter the Apostle Parish Annual Gala!

    Winston School, one of our Favorite Non-Profits!University Health System Gala!Trips to Morgan's Wonderland for Special Friends!Gala to raise funds for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

    Kelly Cox briefs us on SA2020.Silent Auction Items for St.PJ's Red Shoe Gala!Door Prizes for the Cancer Center Council!Louise Mandel and Lora Watts invited Dr. Christian and Eli to the luncheon!

    Faith based academy to prepare students for real life!Supporting Impact San Antonio!!

    Silent Auction items for Seton Home!!  Helping teenage moms keep their children!Silent Auction Items for The Village at Incarnate Word!!

    25 Years of Service from the Village of the Incarnate Word. Silent Auction Items to raise money for St. Mary's University Scholarships!STone Oak Rotary Club, in memory of George Thorsby. To foster healing for grieving youth, their families and the community through peer support programs, counseling, training, education and outreach

    Our Spring Interns and Inside Outside Staff with their signed "Born to be Good" books at the Mind Science Foundation. In Honor, always, of Ralph Bender. Silent Auction Items to raise money for St. Mary's University Scholarships!

    Silent auction items for Alamo City Chamber of Commerce Gala. Gala to Support the Museum of Art!Inside Outside is a member at the Research Sponsor Level.

    A Great American Heart Month White Board created by Sierra and Eli!!

    This was a Great February American Heart Month White Board by Sierra and Eli!



    Our Newest

    Inside Outside Star Blanca De la Rosa

    Blanca De la Rosa, our Newest Inside Outside Star!

    Gain muscle, lose

    fat, that's the goal!

    Read Her Story!

    This is a web page version if your email browser does not show the newsletter clearly.

    Check out the  Inside Outside

    Star Archive


    500 Club


    "Row Your Own Weight Club"


    If you want to catch up, check the archives.


    Staff Pictures

    New Staff Picture with our Spring Interns Krystel, Kemi and Mackenzie


    Mackenzie Cooper, Krystel Ritcherson & Kemi Omotola

     with their Scrapbook of Memories of their Spring 2015 Internship at Inside Outside

    It was a great Spring, thanks for being part of The Inside Outside Adventure!


    Inside Outside

    Custom QR Codes by

    QRlicious Custom made QR code for Inside Outside Web Site.


    QRlicious Custom made QR code for our DXA Body Composition Scan service.


      Like us as a Fan on

    Quick Links


    Nutrition Tools


    Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Calculators for Positive Mental Health from Andrew at Morningside Recovery!


    The Zone Diet Recipe Collection


    "Zone Meals

    from the

     Doctor's Lounge"

     Many Good plus a Few Bad Examples

    Dr. Sears Web Site

    Inside Outside  Media Coverage

    Parking Validated! Several links to maps and how to get into our parking lot!


    Quote of the Month

    "The Test of Three"




    Inside Outside

    Way of Life"

    Let us teach you how to live it!!

    The Poster!


    Video of Month

    Coach Bear Bryant


    Mother's Day

    Coach Bear Bryant's famous commercial for Mother's Day!


    Reprise for

    Mother's Day!

    Billy Joel

    "She's Always A Woman"

    John Lewis 2010 Ad and Tribute to the 9 Stages of the Lives of the s &

    Women we Love

    You are going to love this!!


    Joke of Month

    "32 Painfully True Facts About Everyday Life"



    Submit to



    Products We Recommend


    Does all the Confusion & Choices about Skin Care Make you Want to


    Check out our

    Basics and Specialty Skin  Products .pdf Presentation!


    Article of the Month "Diets to prevent heart disease, what have we learned, 1957-2013, What have we learned?"

    Dalen EA et al j.amjmed.2013.12.014

    Join Us On


    The Home Dermaroller

    A great simple, effective tool for skin care.


    We have had a number

     of clients start using the Home Dermaroller to improve absorption of

     their specialty skin products with great results!!  The Home Dermaroller, used once

         a week will improve absorption of your specialty products by

       200 times!!


    If you have not had your complementary consultation regarding this simple but very effective device please call Now!! 






    Call Now 210.616.0836

    for Complimentary Dermaroller Consultation or Combine with

    Dr. Christian's Signature

    Diamond Microdermabrasion


    Break Good at

    Inside Outside

    Yes!  Break Good at Inside Outside!





    Do You Realize all the Value Added Benefits Of Living Say Grrrr....!

    Say Grrrr....!"The Inside Outside Way of Life"?

    These are the little extras that make us so special!!

    e - contact@insideoutsidespa.com What is The "Inside Outside Way of Life"?

    w - https://insideoutsidespa.com

    a - 4499 Medical Drive, Suite 225

    s - San Antonio, Texas 78229

    p- 210.616.0836  f - 210.616.0856

    Map Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa

    Suggestions, Complaints, Comments

    Contact Us at e - contact@insideoutsidespa.com


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