Take it to the Next Level at Inside Outside!
Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa  

Fiesta and Taxes!!

Graduations and Mother's Day!

Someone's getting Married this month!!

July, a time to remember why our country is so special!



May 2016



 Greetings from Dr. Christian & the Staff of Inside Outside

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May is almost gone!  We have had Mother's Day, but there are more Graduations, Memorial Day & then Summer Vacations start!  Let's make the Most of this Summer & focus on YOU by living "The Inside Outside Way of Life!" & take it to a New Level!


Picture It!  Believe It! Do It!



in this issue

  • Our Newest Inside Outside Star: Lora Lane, Showing the Way, 1lb of fat loss a week!
  • From Dr. Christian, Reflections: "The Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership"
  • We Salute Monica Brant! IFFB Fitness Olympia Champion & 2X World Pro Figure Champion!
  • Let's Welcome New Inside Outside Staff Member, Emily Perez, B.S. 2016 UTSA Kinesiology!
  • DXA Body Composition Scans help Ben, Shay and Nydia prepare for the RipTide Classic!
  • Update on our Web Analytics by Revolver, 143 Countries! They love us around the World!!!
  • 360 Degree Scrollable Panorama Images of Inside Outside, these are really Cool!
  • Welcome to our Go Roadrunners!! Summer 2016 Kinesiology Interns, Jaclyn Flores & Matt Edralin!
  • Memorial Day, Tribute to Fallen Comrades and Pvt. Treptow's Pledge
  • Member Spotlight: Lana Sund, Owner and Account Executive, Insurance Concepts of SA.
  • Community Relations:  Silent Auctions, Raffles, Walks and Runs!  22 Events so far 2016!!
  • From Dr. Christian: Reflections: "The Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership"

    165lbs of Rompin, Stompin, Airborne Romance in Jump Boots!     The Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership were published in 1968 when Kent Keith was a Sophomore at Harvard.

    One of my favorite parts of the Newsletter is choosing and reflecting on a "Quote" for our "Quote of the Month Page".  At the Air Force Academy a priority was placed on Leadership principles. These generally were based on hundreds of years of accumulated examples of great military leaders and visionaries. One of the missions was to produce graduates who would of course be future leaders of the armed forces in peace and war. One of the purposes of sports according to the eloquent Douglas McArthur (Duty, Honor, Country) was  "On the fields of friendly strife are born the seeds that on other days and other fields will bear the fruits of victory." "Take care of the horses and the men", "be an example", "get to know their families" and "servant leader" were foundations we were taught Your USAF Academy Center for Character and Leadership opened in April 2016!and practiced. The importance of this emphasis on leadership has culminated in the building of the  USAFA Center for Character and Leadership which opened in April 2016.  I am excited to see it when I return in late September for my 50th Reunion.   I graduated in 1966 and Kent Keith's initial listing of "The Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership" was published as a small pamphlet in 1968 when he was a sophomore at Harvard.  So, it was only about 20 years ago that I stumbled on them when Mother Teresa died and a book written about her described "a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children's home in Calcutta" which reflected her appreciation of the commandments. In Medical School we were taught "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care".  And I've always loved Maya Angelou's ,"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".  As I definitively grow older and hopefully wiser, mellower and loving, these inspirational phrases resonate in my mind and encourage me to be a better part of The Silent Revolution by practicing these commandments.  On this Memorial Weekend I hope we might all reflect on these things, the "ultimate love" demonstrated by our fallen comrades and as Leo Tolstoy wrote "What Men Live By."

    "The Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership" by Kent Kieth

    "What Men Live By" Leo Tolstoy  

    We Salute Monica Brant, IFFB Fitness Olympia Champion & 2X World Pro Figure Champion!

    Monica Brant gets her DXA Body Composition Testing at Inside Outside.


    Monica Brant, IFFB Fitness Olympia Champion and 2010/2013 World Pro Figure Champion came by for a DXA Body Composition Scan and featured Inside Outside's DXA Scanning service in her March Monthly Maintenance Newsletter.   Dr. Christian met Monica in the early 1990's when before she moved to California and started her rise to celebrityMonica wrote a tribute to Rachel McLish, 1980 Ms. Olympia on her FaceBook page. status in the fitness world.  She has been featured on over 100 magazine covers, has had many television appearances, authored a number of magazine articles and is sponsored by a number of producers of wellness and fitness products.  She continues an arduous multiple mode training routine and focuses on helping others who aspire to improve their fitness, performance and health. We salute Monica for setting a great example and her decades long contributions to the health and fitness of thousands of her followers. She even is a friend of the 1st Ms. Olympia 1980, Rachel McLish, and has arranged for Rachel to sign a copy of a Strength Training for Beauty Magazine featuring her on the cover which I bought in  May 1984!  As Monica said it so simply "I like to connect people." Monica brought her Mom Patti, Husband Brad,  Father Phil and friend Mike by for DXA Body Comp Scans.  Patti and Dr. Christian showed her it's never to old to do pull ups.  It's wonderful to have Monica back in San Antonio with her very special gifts of "personal example and inspiration" and back in my life.

    Check out Monica at www.monicabrant.com!

    Sign up for Monica's Monthly Newsletter!

    Let's Welcome Our New Inside Outside Staff Member, Emily Perez, B.S. Kinesiology UTSA 2016!

    We welcome Emily Perez, B.S. Kinesiology as a new Inside Outside Staff Member!

    Congrats to Emily Perez on earning a B.S. in Kinesiology at UTSA!


    We are excited and pleased to welcome Emily Perez as a new Inside Outside Staff Member and to become a part of the Inside Outside Adventure!  Emily was a Spring 2016 UTSA Kinesiology Intern and member of the UTSA Roadrunner Track Team as a long distance runner (Lots of Grit!).  She walked the stage as a new UTSA Graduate on 14 May 16 and is proud to be a college graduate with a B.S. in Kinesiology!  During her internship, she quickly learned our technique of Hi-Lo Strength training and will be working several days a week with us as a trainer and assistant to Ely and Dr. Christian.  Our new Summer Interns arrive on 31 May 16 and she is excited to participate in their orientation and education over the summer months.

    DXA Body Composition Scans Help  Ben, Shay & Nydia Prepare for the RipTide Classic!

    Nydia (Figure), Shay (Physique) and Ben (Bodybuilding) Champions on the Beach in Panama City for the RipTide Classic.


    Over the years we have had many Bodybuilders and Physique/Figure/Bikini competitors take advantage of our DXA Body Composition Testing services to assist them with preparation for their contests.  Recently we had a trio of highly motivated competitors undergo serial scans to assess their progress with bulkingNydia, Ben and Shay! 1st Place winners RipTide Classic! and then cutting for competition.  Ben Macchiarelli, his wife Shay Stone and Nydia Salinas had serial scans done and were able to visualize and measure their results which helped to guide their nutrition and workouts. They traveled to Panama City Florida for the 2016 RipTide National Qualifier Classic held on 14 May 16.  Ben competed in the Heavyweight and Novice Bodybuilding events and won 1st place in each and was 1st Place Men's Overall Champion. (Ben measured 4.03% Body Fat 7 days prior to the event, our lowest so far).  Shay competed in the Women's Physique and won 1st Place and Overall Physique. Nydia won 1st Place in the Women's Novice Class and Class B Figure as well as 1st Place Overall Figure!  So, this trio brought home a total of 8 (Eight!) 1st Class trophies! These results qualify each of them for a National event and if they win, they get their Pro-Cards!  Amazing! If your goals are to get to this level, these three know "what it takes" and can help you do it!  You can find Ben and Shay at Anytime Fitness.  Nydia trains out of the Olympic Gym & Anytime Fitness in Pleasanton. But, don't waste their time if you are not serious, because they are "really serious" & their results speak volumes for their dedication, hard work & sacrifice!

    Ben Macchiarelli Pics Shay Stone Pics Nydia Salinas Pics at NPC News Online!  

    Find Ben and Shay at Anytime Fitness on Overlook Road  

    Find Nydia at Olympic Gym  

    Update on our Web Analytic Reports, The Revolver Map!!  They love US around the world!

    143 Countries!  They love us around the world!!!

    Everyone is aware that Businesses & Organizations use Web Analytic Tracking Services to monitor their web site traffic for marketing purposes.  Inside Outside uses Google Analytics, Clicky and recently started using Revolver Maps for tracking services. The Top Ten Countries are United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, Germany, Mexico, Philippines, France & Brazil!  We recently added

    #143 the country of Nepal!  The map shows hits over the past 60 months, monitored by Revolver Maps, 143 Countries & over 48,000 Visits. Popular pages for international visitors are the DXA Body Composition, DXA Bone Density & our Dark Side of the Sun page.   

    To Checkout our current Revolver Map, click on the 2D Version and Hover over the

    Red Dots to see Location, Requires Java!   

    360 Degree Scrollable Panorama Images of Inside Outside! These are really cool!

    Check out this great 360 Degree Panorama of our Hi-Lo Gym at Christmas!

    We have been making a series of Ricoh 360 Degree panorama images of Inside Outside.

    Click on the image above to see a scrollable 360 degree panorama image of the Hi-Lo Gym at Christmas.

    Scrollable Image of Inside Outside "Welcome Room"! We don't call it a "Waiting Room"!

    More 360 Degree Images of each room!!

     Scrollable 360 Degree Images of our Spring Interns!

    We Welcome Jaclyn Flores and Matt Edralin as our Summer 2016 UTSA Kinesiology Interns!  

    We Welcome Sir Matheus for his  Summer 2016 Kinesiology Internship!We Jaclyn Flores for her Summer 2016 Kinesiology Internship! 


    Inside Outside welcomes Jaclyn Flores and Matt Edralin as our UTSA Interns for Summer 2016. Jaclyn and Matt are both Kinesiology Majors with Specialization in Exercise Science and will graduate in August 2016.  We are excited to have Jaclyn and Matt with us for the Summer and to share with them "The Inside Outside Way of Life!"


    UTSA Health and Kinesiology Department Website

    Our Current and Past UTSA Kinesiology Interns 


    Memorial Day, a Day to Remember Fallen Comrades

    The Ultimate Level of Commitment!

    "The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit." Read Pvt. Treptow's Pledge and check out the beautifully worded complete text of the original order issued in 1868 at Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Washington, D.C.

    Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic

    General Orders No.11, Washington, D.C., May 5, 1868

    Member Spotlight: Lana Sund, Owner and Account Executive at Insurance Concepts of SA

    We salute Lana Sund, Member Spotlight May 2016!


    We salute Lana Sund in our Member Spotlight this Month! Lana has been a member of the Inside Outside Family for over 7 Years and faithfully does 2 very disciplined workouts a week.

    Lana and her husband Dave own Insurance Concepts of San Antonio which provides a large variety of commercial insurance products primarily for the construction industry in San Antonio and other Texas Communities.  They offer Performance and Payment Bonds and a Program for Earth Moving Contractors of Texas.   Dave got into the insurance business during the 1970's recession years and worked at Fireman's Fund.  Fireman's moved the family to San Antonio and they started Insurance Concepts 36 Years ago. They have 3 children and enjoy biking and swimming.   

    Community Relations: Silent Auctions, Raffles, Walks and Runs, 22 Events so far in 2016!

    Since it's inception, an important mission at Inside Outside has been to makeAsk Us!  Inside Outside has helped many San Antonio non-profit organizations!

    a difference in our community.  The best way we have found to do this is to

    make contributions to Non-Profit organizations through silent auctions at their

    annual fund raising events, seminars, health fairs or direct donations.  We would

    consider it an honor for any request for items to be donated or for Dr. Christian to speak to Non-Profit and other organizations/businesses in San Antonio and surrounding cities. Check out our Community Service Page chronicling Inside Outside's Community Service efforts since 2004!

    Inside Outside Community Service, 22 Events this Year so Far!

    Silent Auctions and Raffles

    Over the past 4 months we have made donations for the following Silent Auctions, Raffles or Door Prizes

    organized by these fine Non-Profit Organizations!!

    A donation of Green Mountain Soap was made to Haven for Hope!  There's hope in soap!A donation of Green Mountain Soap was made to Have for Hope!  There's hope in soap!Dr. Christian attended the Final Drive for 5 Impact San Antonio event at the Veranda!

    Silent Auction Items for American Heart Association Heart Gala!See our FaceBook Album! Dr. Christian and Ely attended the Mind Science Foundation Seminar on 3 May 16. Inside Outside is a Research Pioneer Sponsor of the MSF!

    Dr. Christian and the Interns attended the Mind Science Foundation Seminar on 23 Mar 16. Inside Outside is a Research Pioneer Sponsor of the MSFSee our FacBook Album! Dr. Christian and the Interns attended the Mind Science Foundation Seminar on 23 Mar 16. Inside Outside is a Research Pioneer Sponsor of the MSFSilent Auction Items for the River City Christian School Gala!Silent Auction Items for the St. Mary's Hall Annual Gala!

    Dr. Christian, as member of the Board of Directors, made an annual donation to the Blood and Tissue FoundationWomen Give Back sponsors fund raiser for Child Safe! Thanks Trudy Maden!Women Give Back sponsors fund raiser for Child Safe! Thanks Trudy Maden!

    Silent Auction Items for the Saint David's  School Annual Gala!Silent Auction Items for the Winston School Annual Gala!Silent Auction Items for the Winston School Annual Gala!Inside See our Facebook Album! Outside is a Non-Voting Business Contributor for Impact SA.

    Inside Outside is a Non-Voting Business Contributor for Impact SA.Inside See our Facebook Album! Outside is a Non-Voting Business Contributor for Impact SA.Silent Auction Items for the Purim Ball Annual Gala!Silent Auction Items for the Incarnate Word High School Annual Gala!

    Silent Auction Items for the St. PJ's Red Shoes Annual Gala!Silent Auction Items for the Stone Oak Rotary Annual Gala! In honor of George Thorsby!Inside Outside was recognized as a sponsor for Imact San Antonio at their Spring Fling!

    Silent Auction Items for the Children's Bereavement Center Gala!Silent Auction Items to raise money for St. Mary's University Scholarships!Silent Auction Items for the Village of Incarnate Word Annual Gala!Silent Auction Items for the St. PJ's Red Shoes Annual Gala!

    A Great Charlie Brown Graduation White Board created by our Spring Interns! Congratulations!!

    Congratualtions to our 4 Graduating Interns!  We are proud of you!

    Yes, Along with New York, San Francisco, Miami, Los Angeles, Denver, Houston, Dallas!!



    Our Newest

    Inside Outside Star Lora Lane

    We salute Lora Lane, our Newest Inside Outside Star!

    Lose Fat, Maintain or Gain Muscle!

     That's the Goal!

    Read Her Story!


    Sometimes Email Programs have trouble displaying Complex HTML Pages like this newsletter. If something does not look right use this link to open in your Browser. It should look fine then

    This is a web page version if your email browser does not show the newsletter clearly.


    Check out the  Inside Outside

    Star Archive


    500 Club


    "Row Your Own Weight Club"



    Staff Pictures

    New Staff Picture with our Spring Interns Erika, Tatum, Emily and Tiera!


    Erika Navarro, Emily Perez, Tatum Neely & Tiera Gaston

     with their Scrapbook of Memories of their Spring 2016 Internship at Inside Outside

    It was a great Spring, thanks for being part of The Inside Outside Adventure!


    Dr. Christian & Patti Do Neutral Grip Pullups for the Brachialis!

    Patti and Dr. Christian do Neutral Grip Pullups for the Brachialis!


    Inside Outside

    Custom QR Codes by


    See QRlicious Blog about Inside Outside!


      Like us as a Fan on

    Quick Links


    Nutrition Tools


    Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Calculators for Positive Mental Health from Andrew at Morningside Recovery!


    The Zone Diet Recipe Collection


    "Zone Meals

    from the

     Doctor's Lounge"

     Many Good plus a Few Bad Examples

    Dr. Sears Web Site

    Inside Outside  Media Coverage


    Quote of the Month

    "Paradoxical Commandments of Leadership"

    Kent Keith




    The Inside Outside

    Way of Life"

    Let us teach you how to live it!!

    The Poster!


     american flag animationamerican flag animation

    Video of Month

    Lee Greenwood & US Army Chorus

    "God Bless the USA"

    Beautiful a capella version of this tribute to our fallen comrads!


    Reprise for

    Mother's Day!

    Coach Bear Bryant


    Mother's Day


    Billy Joel

    "She's Always A Woman"

    John Lewis 2010 Ad and Tribute to the 9 Stages of the Lives of the s &

    Women we Love

    You are going to love this!!


    Joke of Month

    "10 Awful Father's Day Gifts"


    Submit to



    Products We Recommend


    Does all the Confusion & Choices about Skin Care Make you Want to


    Check out our

    Basics and Specialty Skin  Products .pdf Presentation!


    Article of the Month "A Periodic Diet that Mimics Fasting Promotes Multi-System Regeneration, Enhanced Cognitive Performance and Healthspan" Wow!

        Brandhorst S et al

    cell metabolism 22 Jul 2015

    Join Us On


    The Home Dermaroller

    A great tool to use once or twice a week!  Be faithful and you will be pleased with the results!


    We have had a number

     of clients start using the Home Dermaroller to improve absorption of

     their specialty skin products with great results!!  The Home Dermaroller, used once

         a week will improve absorption of your specialty products by

       200 times!!


    If you have not had your complementary consultation regarding this simple but very effective device please call Now!! 






    Call Now 210.616.0836

    for Complimentary Dermaroller Consultation or Combine with

    Dr. Christian's Signature

    Diamond Microdermabrasion


    Break Good at

    Inside Outside

    Yes!  Break Good at Inside Outside!





    Do You Realize all the Value Added Benefits Of Living Say Grrrr....!

    Say Grrrr....!"The Inside Outside Way of Life"?

    These are the little extras that make us so special!!

    e - contact@insideoutsidespa.com What is The "Inside Outside Way of Life"?

    w - https://insideoutsidespa.com

    a - 4499 Medical Drive, Suite 225

    s - San Antonio, Texas 78229

    p- 210.616.0836  f - 210.616.0856

    Map Inside Outside Wellness Center & Medical Spa

    Suggestions, Complaints, Comments

    Contact Us at e - contact@insideoutsidespa.com


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