months Hi-Lo Star is Dr. Carl Dukes who has made remarkable strength
gains working out only once a month for about 66 sessions!
Carl is a busy Nephrologist (Kidney Doctor) who immediately
saw the benefits of this type of program.
Carl's own words:
I was spending at least fours a week a health club doing a
combination of aerobics along with weight training.
However, I was not making any progress.
I have been doing the Hi-Lo program with Dr. Christian for ~ 18 months. The
program is based upon sound and proven physiological
principles. Shortly after I started, people commented on
much healthier I looked. However, I feel much better. My
aerobic capacity has improved. I am able to climb several
flights of stairs, effortlessly. I am stronger than I ever
was, even compared to my youth. My time is being well spent
using this highly effective and time efficient program. It
beats the wasted time at the gym, hands down."
are some graphs which demonstrate Carl's progress in
body composition based on our