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Wellness Center San Antonio
Medical Spa San Antonio

4499 Medical Drive #225, San Antonio, Texas 78229  210.616.0836





 Inside Outside Links


Newsletter Archive


Links to all of Dr. Barry Sears' Zone Sites


Inside Outside Media Links


High Intensity Strength Training and Media Links


MacroNutrition and  MicroNutrition  & Product Recommendations


Basic Skin Care and Product  Recommendations


Review of Dr. Christian's Self Quantifying Utilities

Monitoring the Health Triad and More!!


Links To Important Longitudinal Studies

   Physicians' Health Study

    Framingham Heart Study

      Estimating Cardiovascular Risk Using Framingham Data

    National Cholesterol Education Program

    Women's Health Initiative

    The Nurses' Health Study

    The Nun Study

    Growing Up Today Study  (GUTS)

    National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey  (NHANES)

    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System  (BRFSS)

    The New England Centenarian Study

    The Okinawa Centenarian Study



Special Links

   Tuck Advancing Better Sleep

    Fish Oil, Omega 3 and "Sarcopenia" PubMed Searches

   National Library of Medicine, PubMed,  Medline Search Site

    Nova Series About Heart Surgery

    PubMed, SNP, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database

    PubMed Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM, Database

    CDC 10 Greatest Health Achievements 1900-1999

    National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

    Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Oxygen Society)

    World Wildlife Foundation 2002 Report on our World's Health

    healthfinder®. U. S. government gateway to consumer health information.

    Body Mass Index and other Health Calculators

    Center for Disease Control (CDC) Information site about Obesity

    Fish Intake During Pregnancy  FDA Guidelines

    Drug Information from Medline Plus and Search for Lowest Prices

    United States Fund for unicef 

    United States Air Force Academy

    General Douglas MacArthur's Duty, Honor, Country Speech

    Combat Control Association Links Dr. Christian Prior to Medical School


Astronomy Links  


Web Links To Other Really Really Really Great Stuff 


Web Links Medical Sites, Portals etc.


Beauty School Portal for information about Esthetician and Cosmetology Schools

  Helping you find a the best beauty school!  A great resource organized by state.


Links to All of Dr. Barry Sears' Web Sites

The Official Science Site of the Zone Diet!!!

Dr. Sears.Com

The Site to order all the Zone Products.  Fish Oils, bars, skin care etc.

Zone Diet - Welcome to life in the Zone

Links to Important Longitudinal Studies

The Physicians' Health Study. 

This landmark study was begun in the fall of 1982 to test the benefits and risks of aspirin and beta-carotene in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Twenty years and more than 170 published research reports later, it is still going strong.


Framingham Heart Study

Framingham Heart Study, Celebrating over 50 Years of Research Success

Framingham Heart Study, Celebrating over 50 Years of Research SuccessCardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and serious illness in the United States. In 1948, the Framingham Heart Study -- under the direction of the National Heart Institute (now known as the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; NHLBI) -- embarked on an ambitious project in health research. At the time, little was known about the general causes of heart disease and stroke, but the death rates for CVD had been increasing steadily since the beginning of the century and had become an American epidemic.



Framingham Heart Study Prediction Calculator

Estimating Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Using Framingham Heart Study Data

This update of the 1991 Framingham coronary prediction algorithm provides estimates of total CHD risk (risk of developing one of the following: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or coronary disease death) over the course of 10 years. 



Women's Health Initiative

The WHI is one of the largest preventive studies of its kind in the United States. The WHI will focus on the major causes of death, disability and frailty in postmenopausal women. The overall goal of WHI is to reduce coronary heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer, and osteoporotic-fractures among postmenopausal women via prevention/intervention strategies and risk factor identification.


The Nurses' Health Study

The Nurses Health Study established in 1976 by Dr. Frank Speizer and the Nurses' Health Study II, established in 1989 by Dr. Walter Willett, are among the largest prospective investigations into the risk factors for major chronic diseases in women. A total of 122,000 nurses (Ages 30-55) were enrolled in Nurses Health Study and 116,686 nurses (Ages 25-42) were enrolled in Nurses' Health Study II.


The Nun Study

The Nun Study is a longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease funded by the National Institute on Aging. Participants are 678 American members of the School Sisters of Notre Dame religious congregation who are 75 to 106 years of age.


Growing Up Today Study  GUTS

The GUTS  was started  at Harvard University. With some 16,000 participants, GUTS is one of the largest studies ever of adolescent health. But even with all of those study participants, you are still incredibly important to our study. Your perspective on being a young adult is unique, and we want your voice to be heard.




N H A N E S National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey logo

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This survey has been designed to collect information about the health and diet of people in the United States.




The BRFSS, the world’s largest telephone survey, tracks health risks in the United States. Information from the survey is used to improve the health of the American people.


The New England Centenarian Study.

The NECS began in 1994 as a population-based study of all centenarians living within 8 towns in the Boston area.  The NECS is the largest genetic study of centenarians in the world with approximately 1,000 subjects enrolled including centenarians, their siblings and children and control subjects.

The Okinawa Centenarian Study

 The Okinawa Centenarian Study is a population-based study of hundred-year-olds (centenarians) and other elderly in Okinawa, Japan. The study began in 1976, after the Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare confirmed initial reports of outstanding health and long life in Okinawa through validation of birth certificates and other statistical data. Since then our research group has investigated over 600 centenarians to uncover clues to their outstanding health and long lives. Studies have concentrated on the genetics, diets, exercise habits, and psychospiritual beliefs and practices of the Okinawan elders.





The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine, has developed to provide patients, family members and members of the public current information about clinical research studies. 


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Special Links

Tuck Advancing Better Sleep

Tuck Sleep is devoted to improving Sleep Hygiene through the creation of dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free resources. Tuck aims to power consumers, sleep professionals and the troubled sleeper looking for answers. They have a page where they rate sleep trackers.

PubMed Fish Oil, Omega 3 and "Sarcopenia" Links

This is the site to begin all medical literature searches. 

Medline contains all articles in the medical literature from 1965 onward.  A great resource. 


All Fish Oil/Omega3 Human and Animal

All Fish Oil/Omega3 Human

All Fish Oil/Omega3 Human & Animal Past 12 Months

All Fish Oil/Omega3 Human Past 12 Months

All Fish Oil/Omega3 Human So Far 2019

Review  Fish Oil/Omega3 Human Past 5 Years


Note: To see References in Chronological Order, 

Sort on "Pub Date" and then Click on "Display".


All Sarcopenia Human and Animal 

All Sarcopenia Human 

All Sarcopenia Human So Far 2019


PubMed  Medline Search Site



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Nova Series Heart Surgery


Nova Series about the Heart and the History of Heart Surgery.





Pubmed SNP Database

Entrez SNP Logo

This is the site to find data on all documented SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms.  These small genetic variances are responsible for much of our individual predispositions to disease or protection from disease.  It is my prediction that within 5 years there will be a fairly standardized SNP profile which will be performed on each person.  This will allow physicians to tailor lifestyle, nutritional, exercise and medical programs for your own genetic profile.  


PubMed Online Medelian Inheritance in Man


The is the search site for all known Genetic diseases and the research which is know about them.  It is updated on a regular basis. This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

CDC 10 Greatest Public Health Achievements of 1900-1999


This is the CDC site where they discuss the 10 Most Important Health Achievements of the last Century.  


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Their mission is to support rigorous research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), to train researchers in CAM, and to disseminate information to the public and professionals on which CAM modalities work, which do not, and why.

Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Oxygen Society)

This Society is composed of Individuals interested in Free Radical Biology and how it affects aging and disease processes.





World Wildlife Foundation  WWF
Check out
The Living Planet Report 2002. It is WWF's periodic update on the state of the world's ecosystems - as measured by the Living Planet Index - and the human pressures on them through the consumption of renewable natural resources - as measured by the Ecological Footprint.



healthfinder®. U. S. government gateway to consumer health information.

 healthfinder(r) logo

healthfinder® is a gateway consumer health and human services information web site from the United States government. 



Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator  

Metric System   BMI = Weight(kg) / Height2(Meters)

English System BMI = Weight(lb)/ [Height(inches)]2 x 703   Health calculators and charts including a very good BMI Calculator and links to articles about Body Mass Index. His  bmi calculator calculates body mass index from your Weight and Height and also shows how your weight compares to others of the same height and age

Dr. Hall also has charts for Children here.  His Charts relate the Childs age, sex and race.


CDC BMI Charts for Children

For Children the BMI is related to their age and gender.  The Center For Disease Control (CDC) has a site which explains this and has a chart to compare your child with others.  This is for Ages 2-20.


CDC Nutrition & Physical Activity site about Obesity and Overweight

Nutrition and Physical Activity

In the United States, obesity has risen at an epidemic rate during the past 20 years. One of the national health objectives for the year 2010 is to reduce the prevalence of obesity among adults to less than 15%. Research indicates that the situation is worsening rather than improving.

FDA Fish Intake During Pregnancy 

This is the FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition.  Here are guidelines for Fish intake during pregnancy.  The information regarding the Mercury content of certain fish is here.



Drug Information and Drug Prices


MEDLINEplus Health InformationGo Here  Information on thousands of prescription and over-the-counter medications is provided through two drug resources -- MedMaster™, a product of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and the USP DI® Advice for the Patient® , a product of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)..

United States Fund for unicef

Dr. Christian made a contribution to Unicef for a "School In a Box" and a "Recreation Kit" on the occassion of Lenora's Graduation with a Master's Degree from Texas State University

Dr. Christian made a contribution to Unicef for a "School In a Box" and a "Recreation Kit" on the occassion of Lenora's Graduation with a Master's Degree from Texas State UniversityThis site gives information about the various ways to support unicef.  This organization does not receive any support directly from the United Nations and depends totally on our generosity and our desire to help the children of the world.  Call and ask about the "School in a Box" program.  This $300.00 gift will supply school supplies for 80 students, lesson plans and includes 2 soccer balls!! 



United States Air Force Academy

United States Air Force Academy


Dr. Christian is a 1966 Graduate of the United States Air Force Academy.

Class Motto: "In Mens Raza, In Corpore Sano"  Weak in Mind, Strong in Body.  

Picture Archive for 1966 50th Reunion 28 Sep - 2 Oct 16 .



Duty, Honor, Country

The most eloquent speech ever delivered.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur's speech to the Corps of Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., May 12, 1962, in accepting the Thayer Award.  Narrative here.  RealOne Audio of Speech here.

Download RealOne Player Here. 



Combat Control Association Links





Check out Lt./Captain Christian's CCT Scrapbook here.

Many Thanks to Sgt Mac!!!  May take a few minutes to Load.





USAF Combat Control - First In, Last Out.



 Prior to Medical School Dr. Christian was 

 a member of an Elite USAF Combat Control 

 Team, stationed at Sewart AFB, Tennessee. 

 The Motto was "First There, Last Out"

 This is the CCT Main Website.




Sgt. Macs Bar.  A place for all CCTers to hang out. 

 Get your mug ready!!





 2nd Aerial Port CCT 1967-1968 Sewart AFB  by Hal Dufilho




Astronomy Links


"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
--Albert Einstein


The "Albert Einstein Archives" Here is a good place to start to Learn about Time Magazines "Person of the Century"




bottom of page for navigation


Einstein on Nova Online.







Earth from Apollo 17

Taken in 1972 looking back on Earth on the way to the Moon.....






Earth Rise 

Taken from Apollo 8 on 22 Dec 68







All-Sky Milky Way Panorama


This is Axel Mellinger's site of the greatest pictures ever taken of our Milky Way.  There is a Virtual Reality Panorama which can be seen here. 






Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA

A Great picture every day with an archive that goes back 9 Years!!!!


Onizuka Center for International Astronomy.




Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA

This may be the best spot to see our Milky Way.

9,600 ft above seal level. 



An Atlas of The UniverseAt this site you can zooom in and out of the Universe from the Visible Universe to our Solar System.  Gives you a great 3 dimensional perspective. 



Out of the ordinary ... out of this world.  HubbleSite


The Official Hubble Space Telescope site.

They  post new pictures on a regular basis. 




Powers of Ten

Charles and Ray Eames take a fresh look at the universe and our place within it, and help us see all things from the next largest and next smallest perspective. 

A fascinating way to look at our world and the universe.


SETI@homeAre we alone in the Universe?  SETI needs your help.  Download their program to your computer and help with the Data analysis.  Great Screen Saver!!!




Welcome to the SEDS Homepage


SEDS is an independent, student-based organization which promotes the exploration and development of space.




The Nine Planets
A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System

Web Links & Other Interesting Stuff

 How Stuff Works
HowStuffWorks, Inc  

If you have ever wondered ???? 

 This is the site to go to!!!

Wildlife Refuge and Rehabilitation Inc.
Located in Kendalia and Boerne, Texas, this non profit organization's mission  is"To Rescue & Release And To Provide Sanctuary With Dignity"
Rescue Hotline is 210-698-1709.




Calculate Your Ecological Footprint
See how your household footprint compares with the rest of the world.


YOSA Youth Orchestra of San Antonio
!yosanew.jpg (22410 bytes)
San Antonio's own Youth Orchestra. 

See their site for  performance schedule. 

Send a DNA-O-Gram

Send a message in the language of life,  Say it with DNA!!



The Skeptic's Dictionary
click here if your browser is a classic A Critical Survey of Questionable Therapies, Eccentric Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions and Dangerous Delusions



So You Want to Become a Blogger


 Easy way to start your online journal. Share your life with the world. Blog!!





Twinstuff.Com Motto--By Twins, For Twins

I've always been fascinated by twins.  Natures way of Cloning!!!!

Facts About Multiples

This site has all the details about all the multiple births out there world wide......

Word Derivations galore!!  This site deals with Etymology, the history of the derivations of words.  Check it Out.

The Quotations Page

The oldest quotation site on the Web, established 1994. Search here for your favorite quote.




Inspirational Quotes and Words of Wisdom.

"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly"  Unknown Author


Coffee Science SourcePass the Starbucks please.....


The Coffee Science Source (CSS) was created by the National Coffee Association to gather and disseminate the most up-to-date information on coffee, caffeine and health in the United States.




Nice collection of Maps of each state




The Methuselah Tree site.  The oldest living thing on earth....Nova Series about the Tree.





The site dealing with statistics on the human population and Earth in general.




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Web Links Medical

Links to web sites we like for information about health, stress, and personal growth.  Please note that our clinic’s philosophy may not completely mirror the position of all of these organizations, they are provided as a convenience to gather more information in your quest to achieving optimal health.

ZonePerfect Nutrition Site

A list of medical journals can be found at:

Administration on Aging:
A wealth of information geared to the growing elderly population including retirement and financial planning, anti-fraud and abuse, and a resource directory for older persons.

Alzheimer’s Association:
Local chapter resource information, latest research news, diagnosis and treatment guidelines.

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine:

The latest news in anti-aging medicine, physician directory, and “Longevity Test” which will calculate your life expectancy based on your lifestyle and current health.


American Cancer Society:
The National Society’s site contains information about smoking cessation, statistics, and health information about all cancer types and treatment options, also has links to local resources by state.

American Diabetes Association:
American Diabetes Association

Latest news and research, diagnosis and treatment guidelines.  Includes a tip of the day and a section for health care professionals.


American Heart Association:
American Heart Association Interactive risk assessment of heart disease, warning signs of a heart attack, heart and stroke guide, smoking cessation, scientific publications, prevention guidelines, conference and co-sponsored conference schedule.

American Medical Association:
Contains a doctor finder, consumer health information and a link to the Journal of the American Medical Association, which has an on line search feature to find journal articles on a wide variety of health conditions.  You can also sign up to have each issue’s article titles e-mailed to you each week.

Cenegenics Medical Institute:
Site for the world’s premier anti-aging center setting the standard in anti-aging medicine containing detailed information about their anti-aging and physician partner program.

Centers for Disease Control:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention This site hosts fact sheets, disease prevention and health information from A to Z, and a wealth of health statistics.  Also has information about how to protect yourself from disease when traveling outside the U.S. and alerts about disease outbreaks, and prevention guidelines.

Food & Drug Administration:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

The nation’s consumer protection agency web site containing regulatory information and guidelines for cosmetics, food, drugs and nutriceuticals.


Harvard Medical School Consumer Health Information
 The gateway to Harvard's health information provided by Aetna. .

Journal of Longevity
A commercial longevity / anti-aging publication containing in depth articles on a wide range of health conditions related to nutritional medicine.


Keiser Institute of Aging

Non-commercial organization affiliated with Keiser Corporation.  Focused on wellness and fitness and aging research.  

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Contains a Headline Watch, Ask the Mayo Physician and Mayo Dietician, and information about medical conditions archived by subject.




Site for Health Professionals 

Dr. Joseph Mercola is a very knowledgeable physician regard virtually every aspect of nutrition and medicine.  His website is loaded with information and you can sign up for a very good weekly e-mail newsletter.

Sign Up for
Free Newsletter

Monroe Institute
The Monroe Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization that has investigated human consciousness for over forty years.  They promote the evolution of human consciousness and the development of other states of awareness through personal experience using an audio technology called Hemi-Sync.  Many people have recommended this program for stress reduction and the Hemi-Sync tapes for daily meditation.

National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute




National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute

NHLBI Logo and LinkInformation on asthma management, coronary heart disease (CHD), cholesterol, weight and obesity.


National Institute on Aging
Leading the Federal Efforton Aging Research

The NIA’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of older Americans through research

National Institutes of Health
N I H logo - link to the National Institutes of Health NIH press releases, and a health information index where you can find information on diseases currently under investigation by NIH or NIH-supported scientists, major NIH research areas, and important health-related topics.

National Institutes of Health, Osteoporosis and Related Bone Disease National Resource Center

Newsletter and fact sheets on Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and Other Related Diseases/Disorders.

National Osteoporosis Foundation
Site contains treatment information for physicians, prevention guidelines, and basic information about osteoporosis.

National Parkinson’s Foundation 

Parkinson's Disease Information


National Stroke Association
National Stroke Association

Resources for stroke survivors and caregivers and prevention guidelines.


New England Journal of Medicine
The New England Journal of Medicine World-renowned medical journal publishing medical research studies. Often has free articles to download. 

Prevention Magazine
Commercial publication containing articles about nutritional medicine, health and wellness, and recipes.


Real Age
Are you as young as you can be? Take our free health quiz. We recommended this on line test to gauge your physiologic age based upon questions you answer about your current health and lifestyle.  You must register to take the test.  The test questions take approximately 15 minutes to complete but it is worth the effort.  At the end of the test, you have the option of having an age reduction plan calculated for you based upon your answers.  Other preventive health resources include health information on common ailments by answering more questionnaires. Also has a newsletter. 

Sections for the general public, physicians, nurses and medical office administrators.  Nice search feature by disease, test, medications and vitamins.






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