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Wellness Center San Antonio
Medical Spa San Antonio

4499 Medical Drive #225, San Antonio, Texas 78229  210.616.0836




Description of The Inside Outside High Intensity Strength Training/Nutrition Programs, Eat More and Exercise less with our proven strategies.


Physiologic Monitoring Video 6 Minute Hi-Lo (High Intensity Low Velocity) Strength Training® Workout


High Intensity Strength Training Links


High Intensity Media Links


Inside Outside Media Links


The Discovery A DXA Scanner. Best in San Antonio! Now measuring Visceral Adipose Tissue!



Monitor your Fat Loss and Lean Gains with DXA Body Composition & Visceral Fat Analysis!  Gold standard for Body Composition Measurement.


Example of 21 y/o Male Cutting over 3 Months for a Contest, using DXA Scan Monitoring. .pdf File




Arthur Jones' Writings & Photos and where you can download Nautilus Bulletin #1 and #2


Arthur Jones, Founder of Nautilus,  at Wikipedia  


"Strength Training and the Work of Arthur Jones Smith D et al JEPonline, Dec 2004   Details basics of the Philosophy of Strength Training of Arthur Jones


"Resistance Exercise in Individuals With and Without Cardiovascular Disease:2007 Update: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism" Williams MA et al   Circulation 2007:116:572-584.




RenEx, Doing a great job of Refining the Stimulus.  More about them and their equipment at their facility Overload Fitness.




Serious Exercise 

Ken Hutchins Web Site. Lot's of good articles.





High Intensity Training Professionals Yahoo Group




Ultimate Exercise Dr. Doug McGuff's High Intensity Studio There is a HIT Trainer Directory.


Dr. McGuffs Book Body By Science at


"Steady State Travesty", Article written by Dr. Doug McGuff in 1998







Drew Bay tells us it is how we do the exercise that's important not how much or many!

 Drew Baye is one of the most respected and thoughtful High Intensity Strength Trainers in the country.  He has been training most of his adult life and a is a true student of the philosophy. His writings and videos are right on pointOne of our clients recently commented that he didn’t feel like he was doing enough “work” with this program. Drew's article "Focus on Your Muscles Not the Numbers" had a great answer for this. Usually when we use our muscles, we are using them to indeed do “work” (repetitions).  Here in the gym though, as Drew explains, we are actually using the machines (which are designed to target specific muscles) to do some “work” on those specific muscles and if our form is good we can quickly hit our goal of near or momentary failure of the targeted muscles, and we can to do it without injury or overuse.  Drew explains it all!

 Drew Baye's Article "Focus on Your Muscles Not the Numbers!"



Power of 10 : The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution




Inform Fitness  Adam Zickerman and the Power of 10 Workout













The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution: The Slow Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body in 30 Minutes a Week





Serious Strength, Fred Hahn's Slow Burn Site and Blog











Old FaceBook Page  with a number of good articles/videos from 2007-2013. No posts since 2013 however.






Dr. Ellington Darden's High Intensity Training ForumAt T-Nation contains a number of good articles he has written about High Intensity Training incorporating  the High Intensity Philosophy of Arthur Jones.


"The Why of Less", Ellington Darden Phd.  I have always admired the writings and teachings of Dr. Ellington Darden, truly one of the gurus of High Intensity Strength Training. I met him in 2003 at a High Intensity Strength Training Conference where we were both speakers. He spoke about Diet Strategies as I remember and I spoke about Omega 3 Fats.  In this short article from his website he explains the teachings of Arthur Jones regarding the philosophy of "More is Not Better" when it comes to High Intensity Strength Training.  This is the basis of our High Intensity Low Velocity strategy and is worthwhile reading for all of us. 


The Website of Martin Berkhan.

Leangains is the Website of Martin Berkhan who was one of the first to promote Intermittent Fasting strategies and the technique of Reverse Pyramid Training which we occasionally have used with clients. His article about "Fuckarouditis" is right on point for those wanting real results.  As I often say, let's not waste precious Time, Money and Energy on things that don't work.  Martin understands this well.

Physiologic Monitoring 6 Minute Hi-Lo (High Intensity Low Velocity) Strength Training Workout


High Intensity Media Coverage

CBS  "48 Hours Investigates" 16 Jul 04   "Feel The Power"  Leslie Stahl and Barbara Walters

American Morning 15 Mar 04  "Paging Dr. Gupta"   "The 21 Minute Workout"

CBS "The Early Show"  25 Feb 03

CBS "48 Hours Investigates" 29 Nov 03   "The Power of 10" Leslie Stahl and Barbara Walters

CBS Evening News Dan Rather 3 Jun 03

Philadelphia Inquirer  16 Dec 2002 Dr. Greg Ellis  "Myth of Muscle as a Calorie Burner" 

New York Times 12 Dec 2001

GQ Article 2004

Jewish Advocate   Mentions Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and Calvin Klein 18 Oct 2002  

Improper Bostonian  Mentions Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and Calvin Klein

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Hi-Lo Strength Training, Zone/Paleo/Bulk/Lo-Carb/Ketosis Nutrition,

DXA Bone Density, DXA Body Composition 

Botox, Diamond Microdermabrasion, VI Superficial Peel, Rejuvapen Treatments

The Best of Each In San Antonio!


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San Antonio, Texas 78229

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