4499 Medical Drive #225,
San Antonio, Texas 78229 210.616.0836
Vision I wanted to create a single center where clients can not
only learn how to take care of themselves, but also
provide the tools and services which will help them
achieve optimal health, reverse some of the changes
of aging and set the stage for many years of active
and productive living. We provide both the
education and the "process" to take your Health,
Appearance and Strength to a New Level!
Simply, we teach you how to live
Medical Director Dr. Charles B. Christian, Jr.,
Medical Director, has worked in San Antonio for
over 40 years as a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. Everyone has a limited amount of
Time, Money and Energy to dedicate to their
Health and Appearance. Dr. Christian is the
perfect "Teacher" and "Financial
Advisor" to help you make better
choices about how you spend your Time, Money and
Energy regarding your Nutrition, Exercise and
Skin Care. "When the Student is Ready, the
Teacher Will Appear!"