Our Newest Inside
Outside Star is Mac Rattan! Mac
found us on the recommendation of Inside Outside member Gail Tomiak.
Mac is the owner of
M&M Weatherization.
Founded in 2002, M&M Weatherization’s professionals
specialize in taking a whole house approach by
combining air
conditioning and heating with weatherization. They
maximize the performance of your central system and
create a dramatic difference in your energy
Weatherization requires a combination of knowledge
and skills that very few companies have. M&M
does—and they will help you find the right balance.
So you’ll start saving as soon as possible and as
much as possible. All while enjoying greater comfort
and cleaner air. When you hire Mac you can be
confident you've made the right decision for all the
right reasons.
In Mac's Own Words!
was recently facing the prospect of "celebrating" my
62nd birthday and knew I had to get back into
shape. I've been athletic and have trained with
weights off and on for most of my life and I've
gotten in and out of shape many times. This time
was different though. I just didn't seem to be
making much progress for the time and effort I was
putting into it. The old ways just weren't working
anymore... I was starting to get mad and sad... and
then my girlfriend Gail Tomiak told me about Dr. Christian's
Inside/Outside Spa. I've never really been on a diet
before but after talking with Dr. Christian, the
Zone Diet made sense to me as did the theory behind
the Hi-Lo Workouts, so I decided to give them a try
for a month and see what happened. The diet was
pretty easy to follow, the workouts took less than
an hour a week, and the results were amazing! In
four weeks, I lost 7 1/2 pounds of fat and gained 3
1/2 pounds of muscle; I was stronger, looked better
and felt great! Most importantly, though, I had
adopted a transformative yet sustainable lifestyle
change to enjoy a healthier and happier life.
So many thanks to all for the gift
that keeps on giving!
Mac Rattan
are some graphs which demonstrate Mac's progress in
body composition based on our
Body Composition Scanner, and his strength changes.
Nice fat loss of 7.5 lbs and gaining 3.5lbs
of lean mass in just one month!
Mac has had decent strength increases in all of
his machines.
Mac, we are proud of you!! Thanks
for setting a great example of how our strategies work!!
Congratulations on being selected our
newest Inside Outside
Star, earning 4 free sessions and being part of the Inside Outside Family!