4499 Medical Drive #225,
San Antonio, Texas 78229 210.616.0836
Becoming Your Own "Project"
Idea borrowed from "Clueless"
In the movie “Clueless”, Alicia Silverstone plays
a high school California valley girl. A new girl comes to
the school and Alicia decides to make the new girl her
“project”, helping her with a makeover to become a valley
"In life's great Experiment,
You are your own Guinea Pig, Take Care of the Pig"!
You are your own “project”. Nobody can do it for you. You have made the First Step, the
decision, if you have joined the Inside Outside Family. Steven Covey, author of “The Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People” would be proud of you. The
First Habit is to be
ProActive, not ReActive. The ProActive choice
means You are taking charge and You are willing to commit
time, energy and money to make it happen. What is next?
The Second Step in any
project is information gathering and planning. Alicia spends
some time sitting down and planning her “project”. For most,
this step can be quite frustrating because of the incredible
amount of information available. Magazines, TV, newspapers,
friends, the internet and books constantly bombard us with
information about our health and how to take better care of
ourselves. It is easy to become confused and overwhelmed by
the apparent differences in opinions we find. Here,
Steven Covey helps us with his
Mark Twain advised “Be
careful of reading health books, you may die of a misprint.”
At this point many just give up or are unable to put
everything together and come up with an Optimal Health Plan
for their life. That's where we come in, let our team help
you with your Project!! We can become partners in your 'Project".
I always emphasize that
achieving Optimal Health is a process, not an event and it
will take time to gather the information and get organized.
This is time to get advice from those who have made
a commitment to helping you. It is time to get down to
the basics. At Inside Outside "We are Radical, because
we stick to the Basics"! Here are the